fashion-blogger-workoutwear-1024x683-1… New workout clothes! Everyone’s on their fitness plan this time of year so I was excited when Sears reached out to me to partner on their amazing active-wear. Yes, we all gained a couple extra this winter, so we should take comfort in knowing that everyone’s in the same boat, BUT unfortunately we don’t. We’re our worst critics – you and I both know this. So if you don’t have motivation already, buy it, and it will come.

workout-clothes-cute-683x1024Working out shouldn’t be a chore; it should be something enjoyable. So start with a good outfit to make you feel great. I picked both Everlast pants and the sports bra from Sears – they have a great selection of basics. I always like to add a pop of color with my runners and mesh is my new favorite addition when finding a good workout outfit. I love that it breathes and it’s lightweight for hot days. The Everlast sports bra is super comfortable with a little extra support, which is great for us that are part of the itty bitty titty club. (Sadly, one of the first things to go when we lose weight! ugh).

IMG_9280-1024x683Lastly, when finding a good routine for working out, just like any other goal in life, make sure it’s attainable so you’re setup for success. I love to dance, so I’ve been starting to go to Hip-hop classes. I also love nature so hiking is my other favorite workout. Chloe and I love Runyan – great people watching. But do what feels right for you, even if it’s a walk with girlfriends. Grab a coffee and have fun walking for 45 minutes catching up about life. You’ll save the calories of happy hour and still get some good girl time in. You’ll probably forget you’re working out, too.

IMG_9181-683x1024Check out more of Kristen’s blog, StyleWaxPoetic, here!

These bars make it easy to conquer a grumbling stomach, whether you’re grabbing breakfast on your way out the door, running between meetings at work, or on subway en route to yoga class. With only a few simple whole food ingredients, this healthy snack option will keep you energized no matter what the day throws your way.

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Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Makes 18-21 bars


  • 2 cups crispy rice cereal (gluten free if necessary)
  • 1 cup instant oats (I used Love Grown Foods Super Oats which are gluten-free)
  • 1 cup flaked almonds
  • ½ cup pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup hemp seeds
  • ½ cup dried cranberries
  • 1/3 cup cashews
  • ¼ cup sesame seeds
  • 5 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup raw honey (or swap with maple syrup if vegan)
  • ½ cup nut butter of choice
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

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  • Preheat oven to 375F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a very large bowl, combine the first 10 ingredients (crispy rice cereal through cinnamon).
  • In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt the remaining ingredients together, stirring constantly to prevent burning. This should take about 3 minutes and the liquid should be smooth and thick when ready.
  • Pour the wet ingredients into the large bowl and stir to coat as much of the oat/cereal mixture as possible.
  • Pour the entire contents of the bowl onto the parchment-lined baking sheet and use a spatula and/or rolling pin to flatten it out into a flat, even layer.
  • Bake for 13-15 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool a bit (but not completely, or they will crumble) before slicing into squares or bars.
  • Store in the fridge, or freeze leftovers if you won’t be eating all of the bars within the next 10 days.

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Angela is an avid runner, fitness instructor, foodie, healthy living blogger, and health coach. Having been overweight, unhappy and insecure as a teenager, Angela took control, changed her unhealthy habits, and adopted a clean eating lifestyle that she continues to maintain today. Her goal is to support, inspire, and motivate others to improve their health and be their best. You can learn more about her on her blog,


Twitter: @eatspinrunrpt

Instagram: @eatspinrunrpt



We know how crazy the mornings can be, but in order for all of us to stay and look healthy, these are three things that we NEVER forget to do before walking out of the house. By taking 10 minutes in the morning, you can ensure that you always start your morning off right.

Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 2.02.51 PMPhoto via Natural Beauty Island

#1: 25 second skincare prep 

Practicing a simple skincare morning regimen helps wake your skin up and prime it for makeup, ensuring that your features radiate and your makeup lasts throughout the day.

Cleanse: Dissolve nightly impurities and remove your nightly treatment in one step. Skin is left clean, clear, smooth, and energized.

Treat: Help protect your skin from daily free radical damaged caused by UVA/UVB rays and environmental damage by applying a potent anti-oxidant serum. Our top picks for anti-oxidants include, Organic Red Tea (50X more potent of an anti-oxidant that green tea), Pomegranate and Cherry extracts.

Moisturize: This is two-fold as we need to also de-puff our eyes (look for eye-products that contain Vitamin K + Arnica which help to reduce puffiness and dark circles) and prep our overall complexion for makeup.

#2: Don’t skimp on breakfast

According to Livestrong: While a recent human clinical trial reported that eating breakfast isn’t necessary for weight loss, there are plenty of other studies that suggest otherwise. In the largest sample of successful dieters, 78 percent reported eating breakfast every day. Still, nearly a quarter of U.S. adults skip their first meal on any given day — and that increases your risk for other chronic conditions. What’s more, a Harvard study reported that men who skipped breakfast were 27 percent more likely to develop heart disease and that female breakfast skippers had a 28 percent higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Eating breakfast may also give you more energy: One study found that breakfast eaters burned 400 more calories during a day through increased daily activity.

Our favorites include: Steel Cut Oatmeal with raisins and fresh berries and egg whites mixed with spinach and a side of sliced avocado.

#3: AM Detox 

Add a slice of lemon to a warm cup of water in the morning. By adding lemon to your water, it has been shown to promote fresher breath, realigns your bodies pH balance and improves digestive function to name a few. And don’t forget to get your daily dose of recommended water intake of 8 full glasses daily.