
Skin Deep: How Ingestibles Promote Skin Health

Beauty, as they say, is only skin deep. With that said, it’s wise to work from the inside out not only to achieve radiant skin, but also to ensure you ​feel​ as good as you look. Here’s some key intel on building a digestible skincare routine to simultaneously reach your beauty and wellness goals.

Fast Facts on Ingestibles

Ingestible skincare products come in a myriad of forms. They include the likes of pills, capsules, tablets, liquids, powders, and gummies. In whichever form you choose, it helps to know if the beauty supplement is water- or fat-soluble. Your body will naturally excrete any unnecessary excesses of water-soluble forms, and fat-soluble forms absorb more readily when taken with food to which it can bind.

How to Start an Ingestible Skincare Routine

Similar to topical treatments, it’s important to do your homework before shopping for ingestible beauty products. Investigate important details—such as quality, potency, and clinical studies—to back up your selects and ensure their efficacy. Once you’re armed with proper research, it’s time to get to building an ingestible skincare routine. Begin by outlining your biggest beauty goals and wellness concerns.

If you suffer from breakouts, understand what kind they are and from where they stem. Does your stomach feel out of whack? Then your breakouts could be symptomatic of a compromised gut microbiome. A probiotic supplement that packs strains proven to optimize skin health, such as ​Skin Heroes by HUM Nutrition​, can simultaneously balance your gut and complexion. Otherwise, if your breakouts often cluster around your mouth and chin, the culprit could be hormonal. A ​2007 study​ shows that women who drank spearmint tea twice daily over five days experienced lowered androgen (male hormone) levels, which in turn can reduce excess sebum production resulting in hormonal breakouts. While further research is needed for a *clear* link to its positive effects for skin, I’ve noticed a world of improvement since I’ve started taking spearmint capsules by Swanson​.

If anti-aging is your top beauty goal, you can’t go wrong with ingesting more vitamin C and collagen. Supercharging collagen production can be as simple as ​eating more orange produce or sipping on bone broth, such as the ​powdered varieties by LonoLife​. This collagen-rich form of protein offers benefits not only your skin, hair, and nails, but also supports joint health.

Otherwise, is your primary concern is perpetually finding your best light? Then go for the glow with glutathione, such as ​Lypo-Spheric liquid sachets by Liv-On Labs​. This potent antioxidant dually combats hyperpigmentation and promotes overall brightness, all the while staving off oxidative stress and liver dysfunction.

A comprehensive list of beauty concerns is only outnumbered by the ingestible solutions on the market to address them. The more that people are privy to what they put ​inside​ their bodies matters as much as—if not more than—what they apply ​onto​ their skin, the greater the impact combining the two approaches will have. And of course, ​the cleaner they both are, the better!

Considerations and Concerns

Most beauty supplements—especially those from transparent, reputable companies—don’t pose major risks or adverse effects. But of course, you never want to compromise your health. As always, it’s advised to consult your physician when introducing new vitamins and supplements into your diet, especially if you take prescription medicine. Even further, such specialists can recommend specific blood tests to discover any deficiencies and/or excesses to tailor a unique regimen to optimize your overall well-being.

The Last Word

To truly maximize the benefits of your ingestible beauty routine, the greatest tip to remember is that consistency is key. Since your skin cells turnover about once a month, it’ll take that amount of time at the very least to notice positive results with daily use. However, to truly see if there’s real impact, try to stick with your chosen ingestibles for three to six months.

Being consistent isn’t always easy, so select your ingestible form of choice wisely. From there, make it a natural component of your daily routine. Whether you keep your skin probiotics next to your alarm clock, enhance your water during your mid-afternoon break, or get your collagen fix at each home-cooked dinner, let your ingestibles become part and parcel of the everyday.

Author Bio:
Michele Ross is a beauty and lifestyle writer based in Los Angeles. She’s passionate about clean skincare and hiking in the California sunshine (with adequate SPF, of course).

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