Tag Archive for: Healthy Skin

Winter is fast approaching and as temperatures and humidity levels drop, it is important to have your ‘winter regimen’ in place. Whether you live in a freezing cold climate or a mild balmy one, skin needs more hydration during the winter months. With just a few minor adjustments and additions you will be able to ensure a dewy, glowing complexion all winter long.

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Photo via Byrdie


Humidity levels drop during the winter

Hot showers dry skin out

Covering your face with a scarf will protect against environmental elements (wind, snow, sun)

Oil is your friend

Hydration after bathing is imperative to soft, healthy skin

Switching your regimen is a good thing

Ideas to try

Invest in a humidifier. Humidity levels drop during the winter months, thus drying out skin, eyes and hair. Add in artificial heat and you’re doomed. By adding humidity back into the air, you can reverse some of the damage. Cool vapor is the best bet to not only feeling better but looking better too. We recommend leaving it on all the time so that your home maintains an even level of humidity, but if tats not possible, at least sleep with it on!

Try to introduce warm showers instead of steamy hot ones. If you’re thinking a hot shower will feel good after a brutally cold day, a good trick is to turn the shower on very hot and let the bathroom steam up. Then step inside the bathroom and get warm. Then turn the shower back down to a warm temperature.

Staying hydrated from the inside out is also crucial. Make sure to increase your liquid ingestion during the winter. Think teas, juices, water and healthy soups.

Always apply moisturizer to damp skin. Post bath or shower; try moisturizing your skin while still damp. This allows the skin to capture and seal in moisture.

Take a look at your cleansing regimen. If you’re an exfoliation junkie particularly with physical scrubs, decrease the frequency during the winter. Instead try a chemical exfoliator once a week, like Fresh-A-Peel or African Botanics Oil cleasner. On the other days, try introducing a creamy, milk based cleanser (Chantecaille or First Aid Beauty) or a gentle oil cleaner like Tatcha.

Switch up your serum. Trade your Vitamin C serum (which can be aggressive + drying) for an oil that can be sued as a serum. Look for cold pressed, pure oils, such as Baobob, Kalhari, Mongogo and Marula, which all contain Vitamin A, C, E and essential fatty acids and omegas. Our Fleuressence offers all these and more.

Winter is the optimal time to switch into more hydrating luxurious night cream treatment. Hydration is not the only benefit to look for. Anti-oxidants and ingredients that nourish and rejuvenate the skin are really what you want. Nourishing seaweed promotes collagen production and increased tightening and plumpness to the skin. Red Tea Extract or Rooibos is 50 times more potent that green tea (as an antioxidant) and contains vitamins A, C and E to resurface, protect and brighten skin.





The two most common complaints women and men express when it comes to anti-aging, is dullness and dark spots. The treatment of Hyper-pigmentation, dark spots and scars all fall under the anti-aging umbrella because the brighter and clearer the skin, the more youthful it appears and feels. When treating and targeting hyper-pigmentation and dark spots, we want to be careful to not aggravate the skin with too harsh of ingredients. Naturally derived ingredient are usually the best. Many of these naturally derived ingredients have been being used forever, but they really get the job done.

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  • Vitamin A + C
  • Ferulic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Licorice
  • Gooseberry
  • Fruit enzymes
  • Alpha Arbutin

The newest addition to our lighting + brightening ingredients is White Birds of Paradise. Strelitzia Nicolai or Giant White Bird of Paradise seed extract increases skin luminosity while improving hydration and smoothness. A native South African plant, it belongs to the plant family Sterilitzia. In South Africa it is commonly called the crane flower and is featured on the back of the 50 cent coin. It also happens to be the floral emblem for Los Angeles, where the plant is commonly found.

White Birds of Paradise are found in all Plant Profusion products, as it is one of the main ingredients in Dr.Goldfaden’s innovative complex, PURFLORA. Derived from White Birds of Paradise, this multifunctional ingredient works to restore skin’s youthful appearance by reducing uneven skin  pigmentation, dull and lackluster complexion resulting in an increased illuminated glow.

We all know that adopting a healthy diet and skincare regimen is essential for youthful, glowing and a hydrated complexion, but practicing good habits on a daily basis, away from our diet and regimen is essential to keeping our skin breakout-free and youthful-looking. Highlighted below are some of the top leading daily causes of bad skin habits.

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Photo via HealthMix 

Talking on the Phone: All those minutes spent talking on the phone (and built up bacteria) attaches to your skin and can lead to breakouts on the chin and jawline. Make sure to keep antibacterial wipes with you and clean your phone frequently. Or better yet, use a hands-free ear piece when speaking on the phone.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough water (recommended 8 full glasses per day) can lead to build up within your body as your toxins have a harder time flushing out your lymph system. Dehydration also accentuates the wrinkles in your skin (think of a raisin), so make sure to stay hydrated to keep that youthful and glowing complexion.

Hot Showers: We know that this feels so good sometimes (especially in the colder months) but hot water actually strips away all the essential oils and much-needed skin hydration at the top layers of the skin which can lead to extreme dryness, flaky and cracked skin. Turn the temperature down and limit your shower use to avoid extreme dryness.

Sleep: Making sure that you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep not only helps to keep you looking fresh and vibrant (goodbye dark circles), but it also encourages proper replenishment and rehydration of the skin; it’s like one big machine moving things out and keeping nutrients in.

Too Much Salt: Consuming too much sodium in your diet can literally suck your skin dry of all the hydrating nutrients and much-needed oils not to mention it can lead to health problems. Cut back your sodium intake and make sure your using a hydrating moisturizer or oil to replenish all hydration back into your skin.

Exercise: Are you getting enough? Regular exercise (30 min per day), increases your bodies blood flow, encourages the flushing of toxins and prevents fat build up all leading to that youthful glow and positive mood-boosting results.

*Tip: try walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or walking home from work instead of opting for a taxi.

Glasses: Oil and bacteria get built up on the rim of your glasses which can lead to clogged pores and blackheads on the brim of your nose. Make sure to keep a cleaning wipe with you and swipe your glasses daily to prevent breakouts.

Alcohol: We all love to celebrate from time to time, but drinking too much alcohol leads to glycation breakdown in your skins collagen – think sagging, wrinkled and dehydrated looking skin. Make sure to drink one glass of water for each alcoholic drink to outweigh the harmful sugar build up in your adult beverage.

Makeup: Try and avoid the daily heavy makeup as it leads to clogged pores and your skin can’t breath properly. It’s best to practice at least one day per week of makeup-free skin to allow for proper oxygen flow to your skin cells.

Cleansing/Exfoliation: Falling asleep at night without properly washing your skin is one of the leading causes of breakouts and dull, lackluster looking skin. Make sure to double cleanse and exfoliate regularly (2-3 times per week) to ensure that you are going to bed with a squeaky clean complexion.