Tag Archive for: Health

OWe had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Oat Mama founders: Eliza Larson and Kristy Kohler – they are the Mamas behind Oat Mama (the most delicious Oat Mama Bar + range of products for mom’s from pregnancy to postpartum). Eliza and Kristy bonded a lot over a mutual passion for food and for feeding themselves and their kiddos well.

Oat Mama’s products are delicious AND effective (speaking our language!). Developed to keep moms to keep mom’s feeling loved, nourished, and supported. They are a company by moms for moms.

Do you have any beauty shortcuts that mom’s need to know about?

Eliza: A good dry shampoo will be your best friend during that newborn stage, and regular mom life, tbh. My favorite is Aveda Shampure Dry Shampoo.

Everyone has that ritual that makes them feel confident and pulled together, what’s yours?

Eliza: I feel the most pulled together when I have my jewelry on. I honestly feel naked without my earrings or a necklace on. I also feel like my best self when I have mascara, bronzer, and lipgloss on.

Do you have any first-time mom advice?

Eliza: Find a group of moms to connect with and share stories about birthing, diaper blow-outs, sore nipples, breastfeeding advice, or just to talk about this new journey of motherhood you’re on, the good and the bad. Having a baby for the first time can feel so isolating. Find moms that you can connect with.  

What beauty product can you not live without?

Eliza: I can’t live without my Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum. It was a splurge, but so worth it.

How do you find balance?

Eliza: Still working on that, haha. But making time to exercise every morning helps me to be a better version of myself.

How do you de-stress?

Eliza: I love walking around my neighborhood while listening to a podcast. I also try to treat myself to a pedicure or put on a face mask at night. Doing any of those things feels relaxing and luxurious and like I’m taking care of myself.

Do you have any beauty shortcuts that moms need to know about?

Kristy: I live in the desert, so chapped lips are a major concern. Each night before bed, I apply a little vaseline or aquaphor to my lips for an extra soft and hydrated lip in the morning.

Everyone has that ritual that makes them feel confident and pulled together, what’s yours?

Kristy: I love a good facial. When that is not an option, I do all of the things at home: exfoliate, mask, oils and lotions. Fresh glowing skin always gives me the most confidence.

Do you have any first-time mom advice?

Kristy: Trust yourself. You already have everything you need, everything it takes, to be an awesome mom.

What beauty product can you not live without?

Kristy: I know it is crazy, but I don’t love mascara, so an eyelash curler is my best friend.

How do you find balance?

Kristy: I actually schedule in fun on my calendar alongside meetings and work engagements. I’ll schedule in date nights, dinner with friends, and even one-on-one time with my kids. When it is on the calendar, it is way more likely to happen.

How do you de-stress?

Kristy: For the last year, I have been meditating with the Calm app first thing in the morning. It gets me in the right frame of mind to start the day. I also make a point of getting out into nature regularly. The fresh air and sunshine really clears my head and helps relieve any tension built up through the day.

The way our skin looks is a direct reflection of what is happening externally and internally. It would be nice if we lived in a stress-free world, eating only pure, organic foods―but come on, life is hectic! The old adage, “we are what we eat” is more true today than ever. It’s a fact: what we eat and how we feel show up on our skin as it’s a complete reflection of what’s happening internally. We’re also faced with the increased detrimental side effects of pollution and how it leads to premature aging (more on this topic here, brought to you by our friends at Charlotte’s Book)

The skin is the body’s largest organ and research proves it capable of absorbing up to 60% of the ingredients in the products we apply.

You can’t have beautiful skin if it is loaded with toxins. When toxins lodged in your tissues come into direct contact with your skin cells they can damage if not destroy the cells they come in contact with. Toxins are one of the biggest causes of aged and problem skin. Obviously reducing or eliminating your exposure to these toxins is the first step you should take in your Detox for Beautiful skin program. The Second is getting those toxins out and the third is increasing your life force so that your body’s natural detoxing systems can expel those toxins more efficiently.

When we talk about toxins, we are referring to environmental exposure and this is something that almost all individuals contact on a daily basis (UVA, UVB rays, Pollution, Smoking, Exhaust, etc.) and what we’re ingesting (sugars, caffeine, alcohol, processed food, fried foods – all of which play an integral role in breaking down collagen and accelerating the aging process. As such, it can be of great benefit to use products to protect and assist in the skin’s recovery

What skin care products can remove are things like dirt, pollution, free radicals, sweat, dead skin cells and sebum that build up on the surface of the skin as we go about our lives.

Detoxing and what it means for skin (three buckets: Internal, External, Mental (inclusive of Sleep + Stress):

Internal / Foods:

During a cleanse (or simply with the elimination OR reduction of sugar, alcohol, carbohydrates, processes foods, fried foods, caffeine) stored toxicity is being released from your skin as well as from the cells of your other organs. According to Ayurveda, skin is a natural extension of the blood, so as you release toxins into the blood, you may notice skin changes. For this reason, some people may experience breakouts as the body mobilizes and releases toxins.

Detox for beautiful skin is so important for your health and beauty. Your skin is constantly being exposed to toxins; from excessive sun to the chlorine in your bath or shower water and probably most everything you put on your skin and most “yummy” foods and liquids that we are ingesting. Impurities like dirt, sweat, and excess sebum can clog pores and cause acne and pollution and free radicals that can be damaging and contribute to skin aging.

Your skin is an organ of elimination, just like your kidneys, liver, and colon: Just as FYI….The lymphatic system is the part of your circulatory system that rids your body of toxins and waste. If your system becomes overloaded and polluted with toxins, your body can’t efficiently filter impurities, and skin rebels in the form of a dull, sallow, tired-looking complexion―often accompanied by fine lines, wrinkles, acne, blackheads, enlarged pores and/or the dreaded oil slick. When lymphatic circulation slows down, so does cellular turnover, which accelerates aging!

External / Topical Skincare:

The skin is the body’s largest organ and research proves it capable of absorbing up to 60% of the ingredients in the products we apply.

Many synthetic ingredients have been recognized to cause skin irritation and may lead to damaging effects longer-term. Commitment is to create safe, yet effective products that utilize the most effective and innovative naturally-derived, result driven ingredients.

Organic and Natural Ingredients | Paraben-Free | Petrochemical-Free
No Animal Testing | Tested for All Skin Types | Mineral Oil-Free | Alcohol-Free Silicone-Free | Gluten-Free | 100% Vegetarian | Hypo Allergenic

Mental + Sleep / Reduction of stress and sleep:

Beauty + Sleep are so intertwined. science has proven time and again that while we sleep our body goes into repair mode, fixing damage caused during the day and ensuring we wake up looking refreshed and our beautiful best; it’s the intersection of where technology + wellness meet.

Waking up looking refreshed requires more than just the absence of under eye darkness or puffiness, the skin tells the story. The restorative power of sleep is vital for rejuvenating and repairing the skin and is controlled by the hormone melatonin and HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Melatonin production increases and peaks around 2am and as well as making us sleepy, it works to counteract damage to the skin during the day from aggressors like UV and pollution. The other hormone that kicks in while we’re sleeping is HGH (the human growth hormone), which is responsible for accelerating skin’s repair and cell regeneration.

Night time = ‘recovery mode,’ a time of intense repair and regeneration. We know that between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m., our cell production can double, and if we’re in a deep sleep, you could see cell turnover increase by three times between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.

During the nighttime, as well as being more active, skin is more permeable too. It’s warmer, so it’s more receptive to the skincare products you apply. While this is brilliant, the flip side is that you will lose moisture. If things can get in, then things can get out. The morning phase is when “transepidermal water loss” through the skin is at its highest.

Wearing anti-aging products at night allows skin to absorb all the nutrients and ingredients while being in a relaxed state and out range of UV rays and pollution. During the nighttime hours, the skin springs into action to repair itself back into balance through a restorative and renewal process.

The skin springs into action to repair itself back into balance through a restorative and renewal process.The most potent anti-aging ingredients to look for in a night cream include: Retinoids, Peptides and Melatonin. The efficacy of melatonin as a topical agent also offers a promising avenue to enhance the skin’s nightly repair cycle.

Shop our detox products here

Diving deep into detox requires a holistic effort through the areas of detoxing the mind, body, soul and home to mitigate stress and increase our overall sense of wellbeing. Offering Mindfulness Meditation and Dharma Teachings in Los Angeles, Celeste strongly believes in the power of mindful awareness to heal and reconnect us to our inherent sense of ease and well-being. We had a chance to sit down with her to learn more about meditation and the crucial role it plays in our lives.

Name: Celeste Young

What’s Meditation?

There are many ways to answer this, depending on your form of meditation practice. One way to frame the practice I teach is that mindfulness or Insight meditation is a formal practice of developing the capacity to stay present for our moment to moment experience, with mindfulness, in the service of Insight and awakening.

How do you Detox (tips / rituals)?

I find that I can feel a difference when I let go of caffeine and sugar for awhile. My system and energy tends to stabilize. I also find that detox-ing from technology is important. I have a friend who gifted me with a yellow light bulb recently to down-regulate and counteract all of the blue light we take in each day from our devices. I can feel the impact of using that on my nervous system and circadian rhythms. The other way I detox is spending time in nature, and of course, spending time in silent retreat each year is a huge detox for me, when I practice letting go of unhelpful habits on many levels and surrender to the stillness. I’m also learning to incorporate some Ayurvedic self care rituals into my routine to detox. Julie Bernier and I are teaching a retreat together that I’m really excited about. It marries the practices of Ayurveda, and what I teach- Dharma and mindfulness, for others to learn to bring these tools together for a more balanced life.

What does your typical Beauty Routine look like?

The best beauty tool for me is really getting enough rest so I feel in a balanced state in my body, mind and heart. That’s when I feel most beautiful- when I’m connected to my essence and embodied. I would add also when my sense of humor is intact and I have the right balance between connection and solitude so I feel spacious and available to whatever life brings. That fluidity feels like a beautiful state and keeps us vibrant. Practically, I also love Epsom salt baths and use lip balm every day. I’ve been addicted to lip balm since I was 14 years old! Maybe baths too, actually…

What was the last book you read?

I’m currently reading a number of books! But the most recent book I finished is Happiness by Matthieu Ricard. It’s a wonderful book. I highly recommend it.

Perfect day…is?

I’ll defer to Ghandi- “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” A day where I’ve lived that way is a perfect day for me. It’s not so much about the conditions of my life that day, but how I’m meeting them.

When you need to destress what is your go to?

I have to say it’s definitely meditation. Also, many years ago I trained to be a yin yoga teacher, as this has been a part of my practice. I have recently been finding my way back to it. It’s a very simple, still, and slow practice.

What is your favorite room in your home?

I really like the living room space, when my front door is open and the light pours in in the afternoon, it’s very sweet.

Best advice anyone has given you is…?

You can do it. (Fill in the blank for whatever IT is). I’m grateful to all the people in my life who gave me permission at critical moments to do what I thought I couldn’t- whether that was because I thought it might be too much, I felt afraid, or I didn’t think I could ask for it- whatever it may be. Those moments have changed the course of my life.

First thing you do when you wake up, is?

Check in with my state of being- body, heart, and mind state, and set an intention.

Last thing you do before you go to sleep, is?

I like to write before bed, when I have the space for it. Sitting meditation before bed is also a great way to move consciously into the sleep state.

Any tips/advice for people looking to start their own daily meditation practice?

This topic of establishing a daily practice or sadhana is actually the theme for our Living Wisdom Retreat in Tulum next year, so I’m glad you asked! I talk about this a lot in my work, and so does Julie (Bernier), so we’re looking forward to offering this retreat to support people in establishing a daily practice. What I would say is make the commitment as a gift to yourself, and not as a burden. Give yourself the gift of your own full attention. Practically speaking, it also helps to choose the same time of day, and same place if you can, to begin to incorporate it into your routine as a habit. Find a practice you enjoy and trust that, and trust the ways you begin to benefit and allow that to deepen your commitment to your practice. Let go of self-judgment and open to whatever arises.

Website: Celesteyoung.com

IG account: @celestebyoung

Upcoming Retreat:

A Mindfulness Meditation + Ayurveda Retreat in Bali

Find refuge from the distractions and busyness of daily life and come home to yourself. Monday, May 25 – Sunday, May 31, 2020, with Celeste Young and Ayurvedic practitioner Julie Bernier.

Exclusive to the Goldfaden MD community, receive a $100 discount with code GOLDFADEN from now until March 13th.