Beauty goes well beyond the green juice craze, proper skincare regimens and healthy eating. Here, the fastest growing, in-office treatments are making headlines and creating buzz everywhere. Find out why they are becoming so popular and what skin benefits they have to offer.


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What is it? 

Micro-Needleing is a minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a device that contains needles. The needles are used to puncture the skin to create a controlled skin injury. Each puncture creates a channel that triggers the body to fill these microscopic wounds by producing new collagen and elastin.

Skin Benefits? 

While the needles are puncturing microscopic holes into the skin, you can select from a variety of topical treatments at most offices offering this treatment, to simultaneously infuse the skin ranging from Kojic Acid (for Hyperpigmentation repair), Salicylic Acid (Acne) or Hyaluronic Acid (for hydration) to target your specific problem concerns.

The Cost? 

Microneedling can be performed in an office setting and does not require extensive training or costly equipment. Single-use systems are available for up to a few hundred dollars, with multiple-use devices costing roughly a few thousand dollars, depending on the model. It is cost-effective, and can be done on areas of skin that may not be suitable for peeling or laser resurfacing, such as around the eyes and mouth, hands, and chest.

The Result? 

About 5 years younger. Glowing, plump and totally rejuvenated skin. Note: in order to obtain the best results, regular treatments are recommended (approximately 2 times per month).

Fraxel Laser 

What is it? 

Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing is FDA-approved, and uses fractional laser technology to help restore your skin to its original, perfect texture and achieves smoother, fresher, younger looking skin, improved tone and texture, smaller pores, erasing of unwanted brown spots, acne scars, and surgical scars, and reduces fine line lines and wrinkles.

Skin Benefits? 

Fractional lasers are generally NOT good for redness, but work to reduce sun damage, fine wrinkles, and aging on the face, neck, chest and hands but also on the arms, legs, and back. Reduce the appearance of certain cases of melasma, certain kinds of acne scarring and surgical scars. Improve the crepiness and fine lines around the eye and on the eyelids and overall skin texture and tone.

The cost?

The cost greatly varies by where you live, the office you go to, and the size of the area being treated. A full face laser resurfacing should cost ranges from $900 to about $1400. A full face plus eyelid should run approximately $1400 to $1900. And a full face with neck and chest will be $1500 to $1900. If you have scars that might benefit from a Fraxel, you will get a specific quotation.

The Result? 

Many people notice results within a week after their first treatment.  Their skin feels smoother, looks less blotchy, and has a glow to it.

The results depend on what your issue is that you want treated.  If you are doing a series, you may need to wait the full length of the series, which can be 5-6 months, to see the complete and best results.  Usually, collagen will continue to develop even up to 3-6 months after your last treatment.

Microcurrent Treatment

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What is it? 

Microcurrent therapy, commonly referred as MENS (Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation), is extremely small pulsating currents of electricity. These currents are finely tuned to the level of the normal electrical exchanges which take place at body’s cellular level. These currents being more biologically compatible than any other electrical stimulation device, have the ability to penetrate the cell – as opposed to passing over the cell as other stimulation devices do.

Skin Benefits? 

It is an excellent alternative for those who want to avoid surgery and injectibles, minimize fine lines and wrinkles and stimulate collagen and elastin, giving you a more youthful and refreshed appearance. When strategically applied to the face, this is a non-invasive method effectively lifts and tones the skin and muscles. While visible results are generally seen after one session, you will see maximum results after a series of six treatments.

The cost? 

The costs again vary vastly depending on location and the specific office that one is going to, but generally cost about $150 per session.

The Result? 

Microcurrent treatments have been proven to help diminish the appearance of fine lines, creases and wrinkles, Acne scars and Rosacea on the skin. It greatly reduces the sagging skin (has been known as the non-invasive face lift treatment). Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and hydrates and revitalizes the skin for an overall smoother and softer feel.

We all know that adopting a healthy diet and skincare regimen is essential for youthful, glowing and a hydrated complexion, but practicing good habits on a daily basis, away from our diet and regimen is essential to keeping our skin breakout-free and youthful-looking. Highlighted below are some of the top leading daily causes of bad skin habits.

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Photo via HealthMix 

Talking on the Phone: All those minutes spent talking on the phone (and built up bacteria) attaches to your skin and can lead to breakouts on the chin and jawline. Make sure to keep antibacterial wipes with you and clean your phone frequently. Or better yet, use a hands-free ear piece when speaking on the phone.

Dehydration: Not drinking enough water (recommended 8 full glasses per day) can lead to build up within your body as your toxins have a harder time flushing out your lymph system. Dehydration also accentuates the wrinkles in your skin (think of a raisin), so make sure to stay hydrated to keep that youthful and glowing complexion.

Hot Showers: We know that this feels so good sometimes (especially in the colder months) but hot water actually strips away all the essential oils and much-needed skin hydration at the top layers of the skin which can lead to extreme dryness, flaky and cracked skin. Turn the temperature down and limit your shower use to avoid extreme dryness.

Sleep: Making sure that you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep not only helps to keep you looking fresh and vibrant (goodbye dark circles), but it also encourages proper replenishment and rehydration of the skin; it’s like one big machine moving things out and keeping nutrients in.

Too Much Salt: Consuming too much sodium in your diet can literally suck your skin dry of all the hydrating nutrients and much-needed oils not to mention it can lead to health problems. Cut back your sodium intake and make sure your using a hydrating moisturizer or oil to replenish all hydration back into your skin.

Exercise: Are you getting enough? Regular exercise (30 min per day), increases your bodies blood flow, encourages the flushing of toxins and prevents fat build up all leading to that youthful glow and positive mood-boosting results.

*Tip: try walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or walking home from work instead of opting for a taxi.

Glasses: Oil and bacteria get built up on the rim of your glasses which can lead to clogged pores and blackheads on the brim of your nose. Make sure to keep a cleaning wipe with you and swipe your glasses daily to prevent breakouts.

Alcohol: We all love to celebrate from time to time, but drinking too much alcohol leads to glycation breakdown in your skins collagen – think sagging, wrinkled and dehydrated looking skin. Make sure to drink one glass of water for each alcoholic drink to outweigh the harmful sugar build up in your adult beverage.

Makeup: Try and avoid the daily heavy makeup as it leads to clogged pores and your skin can’t breath properly. It’s best to practice at least one day per week of makeup-free skin to allow for proper oxygen flow to your skin cells.

Cleansing/Exfoliation: Falling asleep at night without properly washing your skin is one of the leading causes of breakouts and dull, lackluster looking skin. Make sure to double cleanse and exfoliate regularly (2-3 times per week) to ensure that you are going to bed with a squeaky clean complexion.

We all know that plant-based diets are essential to maintaining glowing and supple skin, so it’s no surprise that our skincare regimens include a botanical garden of ingredients that promote a flawless, younger-looking complexion. There is a new crop of Spring ingredients that pack a punch when it comes to the skincare benefits they have to offer. Here are five to look out for.

CQJ_8608Baobab Oil:

This cold-pressed oil, extracted from the seeds of the fruits of any of the 9 species of Adansonia on the planet. These trees have a thick trunk which is usually thickest in the middle. Of all the species, the Adansonia grandidieri trees look the most picturesque. These trees store water in their trunks and are able to survive years of drought. They also live upto thousands of years.

It is unique among plant oils for its high concentration of Vitamins A, C, E and F. The vitamin A found in Baobab Oil helps produce smoother, younger-looking skin through its ability to fight aging, boost cell regeneration, and promote collagen and elastin growth. Baobab Oil is also a very plentiful source of highly bioavailable vitamin C that fights age-causing free radicals and improves the structural support and resiliency of your skin. Additionally, Baobab Oil has a high content of unsaturated essential fatty acids, especially linoleic and linolenic. These are called “essential” because your body is not able to produce them naturally. They’re important to the nourishment and maintenance of healthy skin because of their capacity to help heal and speed up cell regeneration. Vitamin F is an antibacterial promoting vitamin that works to reduce any surface layers of bacteria. Baobab Oil is a non-irritating and an excellent tissue hydrator.


Various Algae and Seaweed Extracts  contain an extraordinary wealth of mineral elements that it draws from the sea which account for nearly 36% of its dry mass. These health-promoting minerals include sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus and the micronutrients include iodine, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, molybdenum, fluoride, manganese, boron, nickel and cobalt. Because of its high iodine and sulfur content, Algae and seaweed extracts have outstanding anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant properties, soothing and tightening benefits for the skin.


Organic Red Tea (Roobis)

The truth is that red tea is not actually a tea at all. Unlike green, black and white teas which come from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, red tea (or rooibos) is made from the oxidized and dried leaves of the Aspalathis linearis plant that only grows in one spot on Earth— a tiny, mountainous region of South Africa in Western Cape Province. For centuries this extraordinary herb has been used by the native South African tribes as a natural remedy to alleviate all kinds of ailments ranging from infantile colic and allergies to asthma and skin problems.

The most important therapeutic aspect of red tea is undoubtedly its powerful antioxidant capacity. Red tea contains some of the most potent natural antioxidants known for protecting your skin from the free radical damage that can cause aging. These include vitamins C, E and beta-carotene. Red tea is known to possess 50 times the antioxidant capacity of green tea due to a high concentration of a special enzyme called superoxide dismutase (SOD for short), a major scavenger of free radicals. The combination of these natural vitamins and enzymes found in red tea aids in promoting new skin health after the removal of dead and damaged cells, giving your skin a smoother, brighter, and healthier appearance. In addition, red tea also contains a number of powerful polyphenols and flavonoids that help heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Blackberries: A Restorer of Even Skin Tone

Besides being rich in antioxidants that assist in the repair and conditioning of your skin, blackberry extract also contains kojic acid and alpha arbutin. These unique plant compounds are natural skin lightening agents that have a proven ability to brighten skin tone and reduce the appearance of unwanted hyperpigmentation such as age spots and freckles caused by the sun. In cultures outside the Western world where the ideal of female beauty is very fair and even-toned skin, many women, particularly in the Philippines and the Far East, have long used kojic acid and alpha arbutin to give them fairer complexions.

Nicotinamide (also called niacinamide):

You’ll find excellent natural sources of vitamin B3 in many foods such as tuna, chicken, turkey, asparagus and romaine lettuce. As an ingredient in skin care formulas, however, vitamin B3 appears in just two main forms: nicotinic acid (also known as niacin) and nicotinamide (also called niacinamide). Both of these function very much alike as vitamins and, in fact, nicotinic acid must first be converted into nicotinamide by your body before it can be used. Nicotinamide is an essential element in the creation of two important enzymes (NADH and NADPH) that play a central role in both cellular energy production and the formation of skin lipids. It’s well known that certain lipids such as fatty acids and ceramide are critical for maintaining the structural and functional integrity of your stratum corneum which, in turn, directly affects your skin hydration, softness and suppleness.