Tag Archive for: founders

OWe had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Oat Mama founders: Eliza Larson and Kristy Kohler – they are the Mamas behind Oat Mama (the most delicious Oat Mama Bar + range of products for mom’s from pregnancy to postpartum). Eliza and Kristy bonded a lot over a mutual passion for food and for feeding themselves and their kiddos well.

Oat Mama’s products are delicious AND effective (speaking our language!). Developed to keep moms to keep mom’s feeling loved, nourished, and supported. They are a company by moms for moms.

Do you have any beauty shortcuts that mom’s need to know about?

Eliza: A good dry shampoo will be your best friend during that newborn stage, and regular mom life, tbh. My favorite is Aveda Shampure Dry Shampoo.

Everyone has that ritual that makes them feel confident and pulled together, what’s yours?

Eliza: I feel the most pulled together when I have my jewelry on. I honestly feel naked without my earrings or a necklace on. I also feel like my best self when I have mascara, bronzer, and lipgloss on.

Do you have any first-time mom advice?

Eliza: Find a group of moms to connect with and share stories about birthing, diaper blow-outs, sore nipples, breastfeeding advice, or just to talk about this new journey of motherhood you’re on, the good and the bad. Having a baby for the first time can feel so isolating. Find moms that you can connect with.  

What beauty product can you not live without?

Eliza: I can’t live without my Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum. It was a splurge, but so worth it.

How do you find balance?

Eliza: Still working on that, haha. But making time to exercise every morning helps me to be a better version of myself.

How do you de-stress?

Eliza: I love walking around my neighborhood while listening to a podcast. I also try to treat myself to a pedicure or put on a face mask at night. Doing any of those things feels relaxing and luxurious and like I’m taking care of myself.

Do you have any beauty shortcuts that moms need to know about?

Kristy: I live in the desert, so chapped lips are a major concern. Each night before bed, I apply a little vaseline or aquaphor to my lips for an extra soft and hydrated lip in the morning.

Everyone has that ritual that makes them feel confident and pulled together, what’s yours?

Kristy: I love a good facial. When that is not an option, I do all of the things at home: exfoliate, mask, oils and lotions. Fresh glowing skin always gives me the most confidence.

Do you have any first-time mom advice?

Kristy: Trust yourself. You already have everything you need, everything it takes, to be an awesome mom.

What beauty product can you not live without?

Kristy: I know it is crazy, but I don’t love mascara, so an eyelash curler is my best friend.

How do you find balance?

Kristy: I actually schedule in fun on my calendar alongside meetings and work engagements. I’ll schedule in date nights, dinner with friends, and even one-on-one time with my kids. When it is on the calendar, it is way more likely to happen.

How do you de-stress?

Kristy: For the last year, I have been meditating with the Calm app first thing in the morning. It gets me in the right frame of mind to start the day. I also make a point of getting out into nature regularly. The fresh air and sunshine really clears my head and helps relieve any tension built up through the day.

Sharing in our passion for ingredients and high-quality products, we sat down with Angela and Evelyn, co-founders of our favorite organic baby food delivery company, Yumi, to learn more about the importance of food, their inspiration and daily lives.
Angela Sutherland & Evelyn Rusli, Co-Founders of Yumi

Why Yumi?

Angela: When I was pregnant with my daughter, I learned about how important nutrition is during the first 1,000 days. It was really eye-opening to read all these clinical studies that showed how every bite matters during this window, and can have long-last effects on their physical, neurological and metabolic development. During this time, I was also baffled by the lack of of innovation in the baby food space. The market really hasn’t changed in decades. The options at the grocery store just fell short in every way.  What they were calling “meals” were full of sugar, or fructose, and had been sitting on the shelves for months if not more than a year — it just didn’t feel right.

Most important food group(s) to begin with and when with babies?

Angela: Starting babies with vegetables, instead of all fruit, is so important in terms of establishing your baby’s taste preferences. Fruits have many benefits, but if a baby starts off eating only fruit purees, their taste preferences are going to lean towards the sweeter side, which can cause problems down the road when you’re trying to get your babe to eat their veggies and other whole foods.

What does your typical Beauty Routine look like?

Angela: I try to keep things really simple, especially in the mornings when I am rushing to get the kids fed, dressed, and out the door.  I splash my face with lukewarm water to rinse the night away, then slather on some of my favorite moisturizer from La Mer, which also has SPF 50.

In the evenings, I’ll use Goldfaden’s “Doctors Scrub” which makes my skin feel baby smooth.  I’ll follow that with a hydrating serum from True Botanicals – it really calms my skin after a long day, and the relaxing scent gets me in the mood for sleep.  I also rub a bit of my favorite balm from Nucifera on my lips and cuticles (…pro tip, this stuff also doubles as a great antidote for a diaper rash!)

If I’m going into an important meeting or have dinner plans, I try to glam things up a little bit and add in a few coats of a go-to-mascara, I have a few from Lancome and Estee Lauder, and a lip stain. Right now Yves Saint Laurent’s Tatouage Couture Liquid Matte Lip Stain is in high rotation.

How do you balance work, mom, wife, life (tips / rituals)?

Angela – It’s a constant struggle, but I try to just focus on one day at a time.  On Sundays, I always look at my schedule for the week ahead and prioritize where I’m needed most.  If there are family functions or appointments I need to take with my kids, I’ll adjust my workday to accommodate; and conversely, if I have a particularly hectic work week or have to travel, I’ll try to squeeze in lots of quality time with the family.

I don’t think it’s ever possible to perfectly “balance” all the things that we as moms have to juggle in life.  I do the best I can to maximize my time at work and at home, and if it starts to feel like one thing in particular is draining a lot of my time and energy, I’ll take a step back and try to reset.  Someone once gave me a great piece of advice, which is: follow the things that give you energy. If you are dragging yourself to a workout class or social event simply because you feel like you ‘have to’, but it feels miserable, reevaluate how you could be spending that time.  Conversely, if you feel drained spending too much time cooped up at home and feel like you need to be out in the world, traveling, socializing, exercising…then make it happen! Find what brings you positive energy, and lean into that.

What was the last book you read?

Angela – “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson.  It’s all about reshaping your perspective on what it means to live a happy life, how to build grit, and it helps you prioritize the things that truly add value to your life.  It was recommended to me by a few friends, and I have to admit the title itself grabbed my attention right away.

Evelyn – “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight.   It was fascinating to read such intimate details about the beginnings of Nike, and all the trials, tribulations, sacrifices he faced in order to build a successful brand.  As an entrepreneur now myself, I can identify with so many of those tough decisions he faced in those early days, and there were countless takeaways that I can take and apply to running our company today.

Perfect day…is?

Angela – ok here goes:

  • Both of my children sleep in until a reasonable hour, and I magically wake up before they do

  • I have enough time to prep and cook an amazing healthy breakfast, and we all have time to sit and enjoy it as a family

  • I had already packed their lunches the night before …check!

  • I have time to get showered and dressed at my own pace, and my skin looks perfect so I skip makeup completely

  • Everything is clicking at work; our customer base is growing, employees are happy and all deadlines for the day are met with a breeze

  • I have time to hit a Barry’s class and get in a good sweat

  • I make it home in time to give the kids a bath and put them to bed

  • I cook dinner with my husband Angus and we enjoy it with a bottle of one of my favorite red wines

  • When I check my emails before bed, they are all friendly messages and there are no fires to put out

So basically, a day in which there is just always more time!  😉

When you need to destress what is your go to?

Evelyn – for me, I always find that if I can reset my diet and find time for a workout, I feel instantly less stressed.  No matter what kind of day I’m having, if my diet is clean and I’ve had a chance to sweat, I know that I can tackle any issue with a clear, focused head.

What is your favorite room in your home?

Angela – I love being in the kitchen; it’s truly the heart of my home and it’s where everyone tends to gravitate.  I am happiest when my family and friends are gathered around the island, sharing stories and enjoying good food together.

Favorite Yumi Recipe?

Evelyn – I love our Mango Tango blend.  It’s a mix of really delicious ingredients like chia, coconut milk, flax, dates, banana, cinnamon and mango – it not only tastes delicious, but the balance of nutrients gives me sustained energy all morning.  I grab one almost every day, following my morning workout.

Where does your inspiration come from?

Angela – I’m inspired everyday from the personal messages we get from our customers – women who tell us that our product has changed the way they think about feeding their baby and has made their lives so much easier. Even on the most challenging days, when I feel confused and sometime question everything we’re doing, hearing that positive feedback always brings things back into perspective and reminds me why we built this company in the first place.

First thing you do when you wake up, is?

Evelyn – take my dog Raja for a walk and catch up with my team on Slack.

Angela – my kids get up before me, so I usually wake up to little voices telling me they are ready for breakfast!  The first thing I do is give them a kiss and start getting them ready for the day.

Last thing you do before you go to sleep, is?

Angela – I try to catch up on the news of the day and usually read the New York Times cover to cover.  I know most people don’t like to read the headlines right before bed because it stresses them out, but since my mornings are usually so hectic, I actually find it relaxing to catch up on all the news before I officially end my day.

Evelyn – Read in bed with my fiance with our silly puppy, Raja, cuddling at our feet.