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Ever wonder why a baby’s skin is so soft? It’s because babies naturally replace their skin cells every few days. As you grow older, however, the rate of skin cell turnover slows down dramatically. Dead cells on your skin’s surface hang around much longer, a fact that tends to accentuate those fine lines and make your complexion look dull and lifeless. By removing these dead skin cells, exfoliation helps make up for the gradual slowing down of your natural skin renewal process, improving the tone and texture of your skin.

Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 3.31.33 PMThe process of exfoliation is a lot like peeling away the dry, outer skin of an onion to reveal the living layers beneath. Whether the exfoliation is done using mechanical abrasion or a controlled chemical reaction, removing dead and damaged skin cells on the surface allows the fresh new skin underneath to become visible. This newly exposed layer of skin feels much softer and smoother. Its surface reflects light better, making fine lines and other small imperfections harder to see. Age spots and other areas of unwanted pigmentation are less noticeable because the dead skin cells containing the pigment have been removed. Exfoliation unplugs clogged pores and allows for the release of natural skin oils. Regular exfoliation also helps to maintain open pores, decreases pore size, and minimizes many types of superficial scarring. In addition, removing the top layer of dead and damaged cells allows other health-promoting agents such as moisturizers, antioxidants, and collagen-boosting ingredients to better penetrate the skin and work more effectively.

DON’T OVER EXFOLIATEThis is perhaps the most important thing to remember so that you can avoid any damage and/or irritation of the skin. It’s safe to assume that exfoliating twice weekly can achieve great results and refrain from irritation or over exfoliating. Of course, there are the people who enjoy exfoliating daily, but this is personal preference and heavily based on your skin type. If you notice a burning sensation or it your skin becomes very sensitive and/or red after using a product, stop it. Ultimately, you should stay in tune to what your skin needs, feels and looks.

DO EXFOLIATE ALL OVER- Exfoliation does not store at your face. Work your exfoliation routine down into the neck and décolleté area, even your lips too as these areas can greatly benefit from exfoliation too as it removes dead surface skin cells, brightens overall skin tone and improves texture. Other areas to exfoliate: your elbows and knees.

DON’T GO SUNBATHING AFTER EXFOLIATING- Exfoliating reveals a baby-fresh layer of skin, you could be more susceptible to the

sun’s rays. Use caution when heading outdoors. Use a higher SPF in your sunscreen, wear a hat, carry a sun umbrella and try to stick to shady spots whenever you can.

DO EXFOLIATE AT NIGHT- Skin renews itself overnight

so the perfect time to exfoliate is right before bed. Use a good sunscreen with high SPF during the day, especially if your skin has recently been exfoliated. While we all want smooth and clear skin, it’s we also want to protect against sun damage.

DO CONSIDER CHEMICAL EXFOLIANTS- Physical exfoliants aren’t the only wat to shough off dead skin to reveal a brighter complexion. Ingredients that chemically exfoliate the skin include glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, lactic acid and various enzymes.

Could it be true that taking a daily probiotic will ward off depression, anxiety and mood disorders? In 2011 48 million prescriptions for Xanax were written. And with one out of every ten Americans taking anti-depressants we are in crisis. Not only is anxiety and depression unhealthy for the brain, mood and outside of the body, now a recent study has shown that anxiety shortens the length of telomeres and actually speeds up aging!!


Depression and mood disorders have always been linked to brain function, but recent studies have shown a direct link to microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract ability to affect the brain. There are close to 100 trillion microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract, that’s 10 times more cells than our actual body! They have their work cut out for them to say the least. Recently the term gut-brain axis has been getting a lot of overdue attention. The gut-brain axis is the relationship between the microbes, the gastro tract and the brain and what happens when one affects the other.

Studies have also shown that trauma in early life can affect the flora in the stomach and release stress hormones (Cortisol). So it makes sense taking a daily probiotic can help even without the early trauma.

Probiotics or “healthy bacteria” fight off the bad bacteria in the gut. You may have taken a probiotic while on an antibiotic to reverse the damage they can do to the good flora in the gut and to prevent yeast infections. Probiotics have been shown in some studies to prevent and protect against the following: high blood pressure/hypertension, oral diseases, halitosis, cavities, rheumatoid arthritis, colorectal cancer and although very controversial, links to helping people on the Autism spectrum.

When we asked Dr. G to weigh in he said that he takes a probiotic every singe day and that is one of the most important supplements to take!








Stress is a primary trigger for acne flare ups, especially surrounding arguably one of the most important days in your life, your own wedding day! When you stress the body produces excess oft the hormone cortisol which can cause overproduction of sebum, the oil producing glands which can then form pimples and inflammation. Cortisol can also cause unwanted belly fat and bloat.

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 9.30.39 AMPhoto via Bridal Musings 

Sometimes we can’t help the stress, but here are some tips that can be controlled and help to keep your skin flawless for the BIG DAY!

Tip #1: One month out it would be beneficial to start to focus on exfoliation. Since the skin’s cycle is 28 days this is the perfect opportunity to start to remove dead, dull skin cells to reveal fresh and glowing skin. There are many at home peels and scrubs that can gentlel but effectively get your skin wedding ready! Look for peels with Lactic acid as this targets hyper pigmentation and sun damage while hydrating. Do not get any sun exposure, limit exposure to pollution such as dirty air, smoking, alcohol and drink a ton of water.

If you’re not already on a strict food regimen, start to focus on appropriate diet. Limit salt and sugar intake, increase natural colorful foods and vegetables and get as much sleep as possible. Exercise can also help to alleviate stress and get circulation going, therefore aiding against inflammation and bloat.

It’s imperative to try and not to change your normal routine, so that there are no side effects from anything new (i.e makeup, masks, scrubs etc). Appropriate rest and sleep along with no sun exposure (especially if its a destination wedding-do not be tempted). Try and keep your skin as clean as possible by cleansing appropriately and drink a lot of water.

Tip #2: Eating foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, the most beneficial being salmon, can greatly reduce inflammation, reduce dryness and increase circulation (all leading attributes to clear skin, glowing and youthful-looking skin). Staying clear of high fructose sugar, alcohol,salt and dairy will all help to keep breakouts at bay and inflammation to a minimum. It may also be wise to stay clear of any foods that are allergy causing foods, such as shellfish and nuts. If you tend to be allergy prone just remember that an allergic reaction can happen at any time for the first time. Again, if at a destination wedding do not be tempted to have the shellfish.

Tip #3: The most important thing is to NOT manipulate or squeeze the blemish, this will cause redness, swelling and possible infection. A few DIY things to try are icing the area, egg whites to dry it up, a cool tea bag and a good concealer. If you develop a severe blemish you can goto your Dermatologist and get a cortisone injection.

Tip #4: Be yourself because that is usually when you feel and look your most beautiful. Beauty comes from the inside first.