Pale is the New Tan 60’s + 70’s



Peggy, one of our VIP clients since the beginning, looks far younger than her chronological age. Spending most of the year in Florida and extremely active, she would know a thing or two about sun safety. Peggy’s skincare story is an example of how self tanners and quality effective skincare can help protect, heal and rebuild damaged skin.

What is your skin type?  Irish/Scottish, so I am fair.

How old are you? 61

Biggest skincare concern? Sun damage. Blotchy, uneven skin tone with brown marks. Rough skin patches. Fine lines. Sagging skin.

What # SPF ? I never ever go outside without a 30 sunblock. I am so afraid of more sun damage and protecting yourself from the sun is imperative in the aging well process.

Have you had pre-skin cancer or skin cancer?  Yes, I have had pre-skin cancer.  I have had less invasive scaly spots frozen off with nitrous oxide (Cryotherapy). I have had several spots on my face and neck lasered off. I have had areas cut out by dermatologists and plastic surgeons and had MOHs surgery followed by plastic surgery. Most recently I went through a treatment of Fluorouracil to bring to the surface of my skin all of the pre-cancerous areas on my face. My pre-cancer treatments have evolved as medicine and awareness of how to treat these issues has evolved.

How often do you get skincare treatments done to battle sun damage? In the last 5 years I have had two major peels done in a doctor’s office to remove surface sun damage.  But mostly I try to take very good care of my skin by using top of the line products that are available today in my regular skin regime.  My very favorite products that I use every day are Goldfaden MD Daily cleanser, Pure Start and the new Sun Visor which is the nicest feeling non-greasy sun block that I have ever used (and I have tried them all). I love the Energetic Eye cream and the Regenerative Night cream. Yum!  And they work!! Several times a week I use the Doctor’s Scrub and the Revelation Clarifying Mask.

What would you tell your younger self about sun safety? Do not try to get a tan!  There are self-tanners for that if need be. Put sunscreen on any area not covered by clothing before you go out. Don’t forget when you are in a car, the sun will find you there too so make sure your hands, face and neck have sunscreen. Hats are your friends.


Not because she is my mom and the wife of Dr. G, but because she has gorgeous, unflawed skin! Looking 20 years younger than her real age, she will tell you that it is one part genetic, one part effective skincare and mostly staying out of the sun. If anyone would know it would be her. So we asked her also to answer the questions…noticing a theme??

What is your skin type? Combination oily t-zone-dry everywhere else

How old are you? 72

And what is your biggest skincare concern? Wrinkles around my eyes

What # SPF ? Sun Visor 30 on top of my foundation which has SPF20. And I always wear a hat and sunglasses when in sun.

Have you ever had pre-skin cancer or skin cancer? No skincare thankfully. I am lucky to have an dermatologist for a husband. I have had pre cancerous spots taken off my arms, hands and face\through Cryosurgery (using liquid nitrogen to freezing sun spots). I have a lot of sun damage on my arms from years of being in the sun. We didn’t know how bad it was….

How often do you get skincare treatments done to battle sun damage? Never. At home I using Doctors Scrub Advanced everyday. Exfoliation is the key to clear, glowing skin.

What would you tell your younger self about sun safety? Stay out of the sun entirely! If you have to be in the Sun then cover up!

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