Keratin treatments to straighten hair have been very popular for the past few years, but how safe are they? Once thought dangerous for the client and the employee applying it, many people wanted to stay clear of this treatment. The talk seemed to quiet down for awhile, when certain products came out claiming to be safe or ‘formaldehyde free’. According to an article I read today, this is not the case.

The FDA is now targeting companies that produce this treatment to warn employees about the possible dangers while applying this to customers. According to the The Boston Globe, the FDA warned the company that makes Brazilian Blowout, that they need to change their label that claims they are formaldehyde free,a s this is fraudulent.

If it was me, I would be very cautious as to what treatment I’d let a salon put on my head.  Ask to read the label, after all it’s your health at stake.

I will give Lauren the credit on starting the trend in our family of wearing big necklaces. She started wearing Issy Salomon and DANNIJO necklaces a few years ago and now the trend has gone to the masses.  You know it’s a trend when J.Crew jumps on the bandwagon.

Ahhh J.Crew…. they really know how to do it right. Mickey Drexler is a genius and with his army of mini-geniuses, Jenna Lyons and Marissa Webb, just to name a few, he has done it once again in jewelry.  Megan is her name and she is the jewelry designer for this mega brand. I bought the most amazing bejeweled necklace last week.  The attention to detail and vintage look of the piece allows it to be worn with just about anything from a denim shirt to a black dress. Most pieces are under $200 but they look like they’re worth thousands. A definite must for holiday shopping!


We all know to wear our sunscreen, but what about your pet? The truth is pets can get sunburned too especially if they have pink skin that is exposed. Some pets have pink skin on their nose, ears or belly and need to be protected against the sun.  Make sure you choose a non-toxic sunscreen approved for animals because they may ingest some when licking it off their skin.  Try Epi-Pet Sun Protector Sunscreen at According to Natural Health Magazine white cats are the most susceptible to skin cancer, so make sure to keep them inside when the sun is strong and always away from direct sun.