We are only hours away from 2013. The clock strikes midnight, you give a kis
s or get a kiss and celebrations kick into full gear. But when the dust settles, what will you really change in the new year? I remember when I was child, new years resolutions were a big deal.. I’d think of one or two and take them very seriously as I tried to follow them (usually only lasting a few weeks).

Even as an adult, I make resolutions, some I’ve stuck to and some have fallen by the way side. This year has been filled with a lot of joy and blessings both personally and professionally for me and my family. For that I am grateful, but when I look around our world it is evident that we need to change. We need to change as a people. Violence in our society is nothing new, it is part of being a human being, and it is not going away anytime soon. I’m not sure where we actually begin to fix this problem, but I think it has to start with each individual. This year my resolution is to create peace and love within my own life which in turn will spread and hopefully influence others. One act of kindness or acceptance a day is what I will aim for.

Love, acceptance and equality equals peace. Wishing everyone a very happy and safe New Year full of peace and love.

It is 4 days after christmas and I am still sweating all the junk out that I ingested. With New Years Eve around the corner, these next few days are very important, so make them count.

Three things I do to get back in fighting shape are drink tons of water, sweat (either running or spinning) and lather on moisturizer and eye cream! For me, my eyes are are a tell tale sign of too mush salt and sugar.  The morning after Xmas , my eyes were so swollen! Even Lauren said to me “what happened to you? “ I drank 3 bottles of water and ran for my BRIGHT EYES.  They both helped but I needed to sweat and 5 miles later I actually felt and looked like myself again.

A few tips as we go full speed into a holiday that can centered around drinking alcohol and eating fattening foods.  Start hydrating now, today! Eat as clean as possible-lots of fruits and veggies. Workout as much as possible and sweat(this is the best way to get rid of toxins).

If you have any fun tips or tricks that you use to get back in shape after a holiday, please share it with us!

According to The New York Times Thursday Styles, the colorhot pink is not waiting to make it’s reappearance in Spring of 2013. Hot pink has returned early this season to keep our mood light throughout the dark winter. Seen on models, actresses and socialites, with Valentino and Thakoon leading the pack. Emma Stone wore the most adorable dress (Valentino), with pointy white collar and cuffs.

I think my favorite thing about hot pink is that it looks good with many colors. Black and pink is an old staple that makes me think of the 1950’s and then of course you can never go wrong with winter white. Mixing pink with maroon or navy can be a fun look too!

In other “pink” news, stay tuned tomorrow when we welcome one of our favorite bloggers, Kailey Konow who writes Pretty and PinKK Beauty Blog
We are SO excited to hear her ideas on how to sparkle and have fun during the holidays!!

Think PINK!