We have partnered with 5 beautiful, kind, and strong women in our community and asked them questions about self-care, wellness, and of course BODY. Sharing our new Bodycare Collection we collaborated with them to create imagery that showcased their bodies through their lense. We’ll be sharing their imagery and stories throughout the next few weeks so that you can all get to know and love them as much as we do. ⁠

Meet Hayley Johnston.


Name: Hayley Johnston

Location: UK / Hertfordshire

Age: 27

Who are you and what do you stand for?

I’m Hayley. What I stand for is a hard one? If I had to choose what I stand for in my day to day life it would be kindness. Quit with the quick judgement and just be kind – it makes you a happier person in turn. 

Taking risks that ‘feel right’ whether it’s traveling, setting up your own business, moving home – we are adaptable beings and we can make most things work for us.

Appreciating the beauty around us…I think this comes from always having a camera in hand.

On those days when you’re not feeling 100 percent, what do you do to give yourself a confidence boost? 

I take it step by step. I get up even though my mind is saying “just another episode of Queer Eye”. I’ll do an easy workout or go for a walk. And I’ll plan a day out for a little change from the 9-5.

What activities would you say are part of your self-care routine? And how do you make time for self-care?  

An important part of my self-care routine is a 10-minute meditation session to clear my mind and listening to an uplifting and motivational podcast.  

What are 3 words that come to mind when you think of your body?  

Strong, beautiful (as all bodies are) and feminine. 

What are some of your favorite foods that keep your skin healthy?  

I’d say just a smoothie that’s jam-packed with plenty of fruit and leafy greens!

What does your current skincare routine look-like, specifically for your body?  

My skincare routine is quite simple for my body. I use a body scrub in the shower (I personally love Goldfaden MD Doctor’s Body Scrub) or dry brush, followed by my favorite lotion at the time (I’m a little fickle). 

What are some of your favorite body treatments? 

I’d have to go with a good ol’ massage. The perfect way to relax!

If you could get the world to change its collective mind about one issue, or adopt one way of being, what would it be and why? 

To regard every individual with equal worth and respect! 

Fill in the blank:      Sunday roast      is underrated.

We have partnered with 5 beautiful, kind, and strong women in our community and asked them questions about self-care, wellness, and of course BODY. Sharing our new Bodycare Collection we collaborated with them to create imagery that showcased their bodies through their lense. We’ll be sharing their imagery and stories throughout the next few weeks so that you can all get to know and love them as much as we do. ⁠

Meet Elise Gill.


Name: Elise Gill

Location: UK/ Sussex

Age: 30 years old

Who are you and what do you stand for?

I am Elise and I am a skincare focused content creator and I believe in sharing my skincare knowledge to help empower others to feel good in their skin

On those days when you’re not feeling 100 percent, what do you do to give yourself a confidence boost?

I step away from whatever is making me anxious, sometimes I’ll pray or meditate, sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom and have a long hot shower and do a facial and bodycare routine and sometimes I’ll workout to get endorphins running

What activities would you say are part of your self-care routine? And how do you make time for self-care?

Activities include a long shower (I’m not really a bath person) and I will use a body scrub, then follow with an extensive skincare routine ie: double cleansing, masking (sometimes I use 2 masks) then I’ll use a facial tool either gua sha or an electric one, finish with oils and massaging in and I ALWAYS make time for moisturising the body with oils before bed. I always set aside two days a week where I do a full self-care routine. This is usually a Wednesday and Sunday evening. It really affects my mood if I don’t set aside this time

What are 3 words that come to mind when you think of your body?

Strong, soft (in texture), me

What are some of your favorite foods that keep your skin healthy?

Seeds, berries, lots of greens like spinach and broccoli.

What does your current skincare routine look-like, specifically for your body?

Shower, use a scrub, shave, dry brush if I haven’t used a scrub then always slather on body moisturizer

What are some of your favorite body treatments?

I love a good oil and scrub and using squalene on the body is my new fave thing!

If you could get the world to change its collective mind about one issue, or adopt one way of being, what would it be and why?

To be kinder to yourself. Work is work, but your body is always with you, be kind to it, treat it well. I think that recent events have shown us that we need to listen to our bodies and be kind otherwise we will always be run down and will never be our best selves.

Fill in the blank:

   HA or squalene on the body     is underrated.

We have partnered with 5 beautiful, kind, and strong women in our community and asked them questions about self-care, wellness, and of course BODY. Sharing our new Bodycare Collection we collaborated with them to create imagery that showcased their bodies through their lense. We’ll be sharing their imagery and stories throughout the next few weeks so that you can all get to know and love them as much as we do. ⁠

Meet Shalini Acharya.


Name:  Shalini Acharya

Location: New York

What activities would you say are part of your self-care routine? And how do you make time for self-care?

Yoga and meditation are key to my self-care routine. I wasn’t into meditation a few years ago, but since I started practicing, I feel a significant difference. Meditation has helped me through my anxiety and keeps me balanced. The days that I don’t practice, I feel off and I can’t sleep well.

What are 3 words that come to mind when you think of your body?

Strong, petite and healthy.

What are some of your favorite foods that keep your skin healthy?

My husband and I switched to a plant based diet this year and it has brought both our energy levels up and made our skin look healthier. It helps that there isn’t a vegetable or fruit that I don’t like! One of our favorite recipes is our chia bowls with blueberries and walnuts. Delicious, with good fats, fiber, antioxidants and protein- skin superfood!

What does your current skincare routine look-like, specifically for your body?

I alternate ways of exfoliating my body to keep my skin looking supple. I usually dry brush my body with a dry brush. I use it right before my shower in circular motions focusing on my lower body and arms. Twice a week, I use a body exfoliation treatment. I like to nourish my skin after I scrub off the dead cells in the shower, I love body oils and serums. Needless to say, I’ve been loving Goldfalden MD’s new body serum since I started using it, it’s healing. Once a week, I step it up by doing some lymphatic drainage massages to keep the blood flowing and clear out any toxins.

If you could get the world to change its collective mind about one issue, or adopt one way of being, what would it be and why?

I would say that I’d want humankind to collectively be more compassionate. I don’t think it’s a lost cause and fully adhere to the idea that we can all learn to be more compassionate. A book I am reading, the Art of Happiness, which talks about practicing compassion to receive and give happiness. I would highly recommend it!