
Balance – The basics of flower design and more, with expert Amy Balsters


Amy’s greatest joy in her floral work is to use her years of formal training, vast industry experience, unique visual aesthetic and passionate sourcing of the best materials to bring each of her clients’ vision to life. She accomplishes this through listening to clients needs and we have that first hand experience as she recently created the florals for a recent event (see below, as they are STUNNING!).

Her studio mantra is “nature first” as she takes great care to design within the seasons and uses locally grown flowers whenever possible. Hence, why we took an immediate attraction to her and her work.

We had a chance to talk candidly with Amy about balance and how she manages her thriving career and busy life.


Amy Balsters, Amy Nicole Floral
What is your definition of balance?
My definition of balance is recognizing that balance doesn’t mean I do a little bit of everything. Rather, I make conscientious decisions and commitments and recognize that I can’t do it all and the sooner I accept that, the more peace I have. I have to let my “yes” be “yes” and my “no” be “no” when dealing with home life, work life and personal life and sticking to my convictions, remaining present and practicing gratitude have played a major role in me practicing balance.
First thing that you do when you wake up, is? 
First thing I do when I wake up is snuggle my toddler. We have a ritual where he climbs into our bed and we cuddle for awhile which usually turns in to some kind of fun rough housing. I love this part of my day as I am often busy and unable to play while I am working a lot of the day but we get to connect first thing and I think it helps keeps us more connected and secure throughout the day.

Last thing that you do before you goto bed, is? 

The last thing I do before I go to sleep is usually deep breathing to relax my body and prayer. I like to fall asleep in a place of gratitude and replaying the day with the mind set that whatever it was that I did, it was enough and tomorrow will have enough troubles of it’s own. For so long I would l fall asleep concerned that I didn’t do enough that day and living in scarcity is so damaging to getting real rest.

How do you balance life + keep wellness top-of-mind? 
I think balance is a moving target, each day, I pray for wisdom to work towards the things that matter the most in that day and trust that it is enough. I practice the art of letting my “yes” be “yes” and my “no” be “no” when dealing with home life, work life and personal life and sticking to my convictions, remaining present and practicing gratitude have played a major role in me practicing balance.
Favorite flower? 
My favorite flower changes with the seasons, I love bulb flowers, lilacs and frittilaria in the spring, I love English garden roses in the summer, I love all the berries and rich toned textural greenery that comes in the fall and I love the branches and muted tones that arrive in winter. There is so much beauty in every season and as a florist, I get the pleasure of seeing that up close and allowing the seasons to be my main sources of inspiration.
How do you create a balanced arrangement? 
Balance in an arrangement is a critical component of a successful design. There is visual balance and physical balance and both are something I consider greatly when I approach a design. There is a cause and effect function happening so when placing flowers, I stay present and aware that when I place one flower or branch, it has a an effect on everything else. I work in a lot of diagonal patterns to keep an asymmetrical and natural feel but everything should feel visually balanced. I also consider color greatly and how each color in the design is affecting everything else. When components of the design are blending well and the eye moves throughout the design effortlessly, I know I have typically achieved balance in that piece.
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