Top 3 Bad Skin Habits

Taking care of your skin with the right products and a rigorous regimen is just half the battle to obtaining a gorgeous complexion. Don’t be confused here: I am not implying to slack off on your skincare regimen; it’s as important to take care of your skin topically as it is internally. Here are my top three skin sins to throw away and get you on track for that healthy glow we all crave.

#1 Skipping Sunscreen 
Hey sun goddesses, listen up! The best, if not one of the most important steps, to keep your skin from getting wrinkles, dull, saggy, and dehydrated. To highlight the obvious that we all have been told, studies have proven that overexposure to harmful UVA/UVB rays leads to skin cancer. Recommended use when in direct sun is to reapply a SPF 30 sun screen spray every 30 minutes. Daily protection is recommended even when not in direct sunlight too – either in your moisturizer and/or foundation.
#2 Smoking 
You’ve heard it over and over again. Do you want deep lines, uneven/blotchy skin tone? Smoking attacks every cell in your body. In fact, every decade of smoking results in a perceived extra 2.5 years of age, according to research published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Don’t smoke. Period.
#3 Junk Food 
You are what you eat. Actually, there is truth to this old saying. Eating junk food causes your insulin levels to sky rocket which leads to an increase of oil production (breaking out!). When you replace junk food with good fats like avocado, nuts, and peanut butter, you are less likely to breakout. These healthy fats also provide healthy vitamins and nutrients to your body, hair and nails. Try it. Check out Total Beauties top 9 picks for the best and worst foods for your skin!
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