Meet Kristen Conahan. She embodies the definition of true beauty with her lust for life and style expertise. A GoldfadenMD Woman Who Shines is one who is happy, radiant & making positive change in society all while embodying a true likeness for natural beauty regimens & skincare routines. This is Kristen.
1. What’s your name & occupation?
Kristen Conahan // Fashion Blogger
2. Describe your beauty routine.
Doctor’s Scrub, once a week – hands down! It’s such an important part of keeping your skin refreshed and new, and I wish someone told me this at younger age. Other than that, I mostly cleanse at nighttime and use water in the mornings because I have dry skin. An eye gel/cream is a very important part of my routine, and a daily moisturizer with SPF is EVERYTHING. Seriously, SPF will save your skin. I also incorporate Coconut Oil at night and first thing when I get out the shower pretty much all over the bod.
3. What are three things that you absolutely cannot live without.
The hippie side of me says: Music + Nature + Mediation. Then of course the fashion blogger side of me says: Fashion + My Girlfriends + Laughter (or dogs, or laughter…). That is not an easy question!
4. What is your favorite part about being a woman?
I mean, women just rule, right?! I love being a woman for the same reason we get bashed at times: we’re emotional creatures who are compassionate, loving, caring and tender, and that makes us uniquely beautiful. I’m amazed by the women around me and I’m uplifted when we come together and celebrate our successes and differences. Style Wax Poetic is a fashion blog, yes, but the reason I love clothes, beauty + skincare so much, is because it brings out women’s inner beauty + confidence and enables them to shine! That is the reason I believe in my work and want to help others achieve the look they feel most comfortable in.
5. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received as a woman?
“It’s always seems like a bigger deal in your own head than it really is. Don’t put yourself first, put the situation and the other person first, and all will work out fine.”
Most of us women are stressors and take on too much worry. Can you relate? Men seem to compartmentalize things differently, which I’m quite envious of. This was important to me because it basically put all of our bumps in the roads into perspective and they’re really not as big of a deal as we always make them to be. Just realizing that whatever you’re worrying about is much bigger in your own head that what’s really happening, make the situation at hand so much easier to deal with.
6. Define beauty.
Offering love to someone who is lonely, being kind although you may not want to be, lending strength and empowerment to someone who needs it and wearing the biggest smile because you are so overjoyed you just can’t help it! The most beautiful people to me are true to themselves and comfortable in their own skin.
7. Tell us why you love Doctors Scrub Advanced as much as we do 🙂
I had an instant love affair with Goldfaden since its inception, but their scrubs…. NEXT LEVEL. The Doctors Scrub Advanced feels and smells amazing, but the results are what keeps you coming back. The skin is renewed and soft as ever! It’s a great way to get the results of an esthetician from the comfort of your own home.