Tag Archive for: vitamin c

Pore refinement is one of the most sought after outcomes in Dr. Goldfaden’s practice. During the month of August we will embark on a full examination of how to achieve smaller pores, which products to choose and how to maintain.

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What are pores?

Pores are the tiny little openings in the skin where the body’s natural oil (called sebum) is produced in the sebaceous glands and are also the opening at the top of our hair follicles.

Why do we have them?

Pores allow oil to travel up to skin’s surface and lubricate it. Pores are also our hair follicles and are there for the hair to grow from.

Why can they appear large?

Large pores are genetic so you have your parents to thank, however abusing the skin can cause them to appear larger. Over time, especially if you’ve incurred a lot of sun exposure in the past—you start to lose the collagen and elastin that support the pores. Sun damage and aging also cause the skin to thicken that causes a thick rim around pores making them appear larger. This is where exfoliation comes into play and is crucial in shrinking the appearance of pore size.

Oily skin types tend to have larger pores and thus produce more oil in those pores. While this may be an annoyance during adolescence and young adulthood (due to breakouts and Acne), excess oil is beneficial as we age in keeping wrinkles and dry skin at bay.

A common question Dr. G is asked is ‘Can certain foods playing into the effect of large pores and oily skin?’. As mentioned earlier large pores are genetic but yes food can play a part in large pores. Glycation is the main enemy when it comes to the skin and the aging process of the body in general. The glycation process, which is basically, sugars (from food and alcohol) breaking down the collagen fibers in the skin and therefore speeding up the aging process. Foods that feed glycation and cause inflammation in the body and the skin are carbohydrates, fried foods, sugar, fatty meats and alcohol.

Steps to refine pores?

Exfoliation will help pore size, by removing dead dry skin cells and signs of sun damage the skin will appear smoother and less wrinkled.

Use Hyaluronic acid based products, which help to bind moisture to the skin and fill fine lines and wrinkles, making pores appear smaller.

Use products rich in Vitamin C and/or retinol, these stimulate cell renewal and collagen production, which will firm up the connective tissue around the pores.

Eat a clean diet of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants and stay clear of fried foods, sugar and alcohol, which all cause glycation.


Taking vitamins and eating foods high in vitamins is the most efficient way to stay healthy inside. The skin is the last area that those vitamins and foods will reach. We sat down with Dr. Goldfaden to get his break down of vitamins and other super foods for both inside health and outside beauty.

1. We know what vitamin C does for your skin, but what are the 1-2 most crucial things it can do for your body (when ingested)?

Vitamin C is arguably the most important vitamin due to all its capabilities internally and externally. While it is hard to choose 1-2 of the most     crucial jobs this vitamin has, it is an antioxidant that fights free radicals and supports the immune system and helps make collagen in the body.

2. Quinoa which contains Riboflavin is incredibly healthy to eat and one of the newest ingredients in anti-aging skincare. What is Riboflavin and   what other foods can it be found in?

Riboflavin is Vitamin B2. Usually B2 is combined with another type of Vitamin B, such as Niacinimide (B3), when formulated in skincare products. Foods and ingredients that are high in Vitamin B2 are almonds, oily fish, cheese, spinach, mushrooms, sesame seed and chia seeds (see below)

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Image via Nadine Greef

Eating super foods is important for a healthy balanced diet but using them topically in skincare products can be beneficial to the skin as well. A few to look for:


Kale is high in vitamins A, C and K. Kale protects/fights against free radical damage reduces inflammation and detoxifies the skin. Vitamin A aids in rebuilding skin and Vitamin K helps to diminish dark under eye circles and puffiness.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are high in Omega 3- an omega fatty acid. Chia seed oil hydrates and can also help acne prone skin. Chia seeds contain vitamins B3, B2 and Zinc, which is high in anti-aging benefits.

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Photo via Gourmand in the Kitchen


Lactic Acid is an AHA that is beneficial in exfoliation (removing dead skin cells), fighting/reversing pigmentation and promoting collagen production. Yogurt is a great at-home way to target the above mentioned issues.

The newest ingredient out

White Birds of Paradise. Strelitzia Nicolai or Giant White Bird of Paradise seed extract increases skin luminosity while improving hydration and smoothness. A native South African plant, it belongs to the plant family Sterilitzia. In South Africa it is commonly called the crane flower and is featured on the back of the 50 cent coin. White Birds of Paradise are found in all of our new Plant Profusion collection, as it is one of the main ingredients in our proprietary complex, PURFLORA. White birds of paradise is a multifunctional ingredient that works to restore skin’s youthful appearance by reducing uneven skin pigmentation, dull, lackluster complexion resulting in an increased illuminated glow.







The two most common complaints women and men express when it comes to anti-aging, is dullness and dark spots. The treatment of Hyper-pigmentation, dark spots and scars all fall under the anti-aging umbrella because the brighter and clearer the skin, the more youthful it appears and feels. When treating and targeting hyper-pigmentation and dark spots, we want to be careful to not aggravate the skin with too harsh of ingredients. Naturally derived ingredient are usually the best. Many of these naturally derived ingredients have been being used forever, but they really get the job done.

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  • Vitamin A + C
  • Ferulic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Licorice
  • Gooseberry
  • Fruit enzymes
  • Alpha Arbutin

The newest addition to our lighting + brightening ingredients is White Birds of Paradise. Strelitzia Nicolai or Giant White Bird of Paradise seed extract increases skin luminosity while improving hydration and smoothness. A native South African plant, it belongs to the plant family Sterilitzia. In South Africa it is commonly called the crane flower and is featured on the back of the 50 cent coin. It also happens to be the floral emblem for Los Angeles, where the plant is commonly found.

White Birds of Paradise are found in all Plant Profusion products, as it is one of the main ingredients in Dr.Goldfaden’s innovative complex, PURFLORA. Derived from White Birds of Paradise, this multifunctional ingredient works to restore skin’s youthful appearance by reducing uneven skin  pigmentation, dull and lackluster complexion resulting in an increased illuminated glow.