Tag Archive for: sun

The sun is hot and temperatures are high. Dehydration can occur quickly and be very dangerous both internally and externally. Dehydration is when the body loses water and electrolytes and cannot function properly. Many regular outdoor activities (running, golf, even the pool) can lead to dehydration during the summer months and nothing does more for thirsty skin than hydration. Stay hydrated internally by drinking enough fluids, especially water, and eating foods with high water content and incorporate hyaluronic acid into your skin regimen. Hyaluronic acid holds up to 100x its weight in water (i.e. keeping skin plump, hydrated and youthful-looking). Skin is left supple and hydrated.

photo by @rachels.fit.kitchen


Dr. G’s tip: “Add a pinch of sea salt to your water. Sea salt contains over 80 essential nutrients our bodies crave. This water will keep you hydrated longer as the minerals will hold water in the body longer.”

Foods to eat to increase hydration:

  • Leafy greens
  • Watermelon
  • All berries
  • Lettuce
  • Raw spinach
  • Tomato sauce
  • Bell peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Pineapple
  • Coconut water-potassium, electrolytes
  • Bananas-potassium
  • Add sea salt to your water

Infuse hydration and replenish your skin:

A New Study Finds

Ever wonder if you really need a serum in your regimen? A new study has proven that DNA mutation from sun exposure doesn’t cease in the absence of sun or  once in darkness. While UV light is the culprit in DNA damage in all skin cells, it doesn’t stop when you leave the sun. In a recent study scientists found that “UV light activates enzymes in the cell that combine to “excite” an electron in melanin. The energy from this excited electron gets transferred into the DNA. That in turn creates the same damage caused by direct absorption of a photon by the DNA.” While this has been seen in jelly fish and bugs-mainly fireflies(think glowing creatures), never in mammals until now. This is scary and dangerous.

Screen Shot 2015-03-11 at 11.07.54 AMPhoto via Byrdie

What Can We do?

One idea on how to possibly protect the skin would be to apply SPF before sun exposure and then perhaps apply an additional one once returning home and out of the sun. Our SPF dry mist, Sun Visor, has a cooling effect which is soothing after a day in the sun. Staying out of the sun is still the safest way to protect skin and DNA. Taking extra precautionary measures can help as well.  Always wear a hat and SPF protective clothing when outdoors whether in direct sunlight or not.  Starting smart sun protection habits with children early in life, can keep their skin healthy and free of damage. Another way to battle the sun damaged and environmentally damaged skin is to use a serum everyday. Choose ingredients that target epidermal tissue renewal (Vitamin F/Kalahari oil) , cell turnover (Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid) as found in our newest product Fleuressence Native Botanical Oil. Anti inflammatory ingredients(organic red tea) and lightening(Retinol) are imperative as well. When using a serum or oil always remember to apply it to clean dry skin and seal with a moisturizer and SPF.

Juliet Plastic

1 in 5 people will develop skin cancer during their lifetime. Skin cancer is most common cancer in the United States with over 3.5 million skin cancers affecting 2 million people a year. Skin cancer has been on the rise in the past three decades. With more than half of American adults reporting a sunburn within the past year, we are literally cooking and even killing ourselves.

What happens when you get sunburned?

A sunburn is literally what it sounds like-the sun is burning your skin. The sun has three types of rays, UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC is absorbed by the ozone layer and does not reach Earth or us. UVA or Ultra Violet Rays are long waves and go deep into our skin, while UVB rays are short waves, but still go into our skin and cause damage. When skin is over exposed to the sun the body revolts with side effects, one of which is a sunburn.  Skin gets red, sore, itchy and in some severe cases blisters and then peels. Severe sunburns can also cause nausea, headaches, dehydration, fever and fatigue. If you experience a high fever due to a sun burn seek medical attention immediately.

Are you at risk?

Everyone is at risk for a sunburn! Main risk factors that will determine if you burn or tan, are skin type, how long you are exposed to the sun and the proximity of the sun. For example a blonde, fair skinned, light eyed person will burn faster than an olive toned complexion. The closer you are to the sun, the higher your risk of burning(think high altitudes and climates close to the equator). UV rays are stronger during the warmer months May-August, but sunburns and UV damage can still happen during cold months.

Tips to protect yourself:

Stay out of the sun from 10am-3pm(when it is most intense)

-Wear a hat with a broad rim preferably made out of UV protective material

-Wear UVA/UVB blocking clothing

-Wear UV blocking sunglasses

-Always wear a broad spectrum SPF30 or higher

-Reapply sunscreen every 30-60 minutes if in direct sun

-Reapply SPF after swimming

-Wear gloves to protect the tops of hands

How to treat a sunburn?

If you happen to get burned there are a few things to ease the pain. Take a cool shower or bath and then apply a serum or moisturizer that contains soothing ingredients like oatmeal, honey, milk, or organic red tea. Organic red tea helps to minimize redness, irritation and inflammation. Oatmeal is anti-inflammatory and can be added to a bath. Honey minimizes pain and helps to speed up healing. A cool milk compress coats the skin with a protein barrier which helps with pain and reduces heat. Taking ibuprofen can help as well. Do not go in the sun if you already have a sunburn-this will make it worse. If symptoms worsen or a fever develops seek medical attention.

The sun feels good and we need Vitamin D it provides, but it doesn’t have to burn us. Education and protection are the best defense!