Detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin (which is our largest organ). Detox plays an integral role in our daily lives and it’s often an overwhelming subject to say the least as there are so many facets that play into proper detox.
After being diagnosed with cancer when she was 32, Elissa Goodman explored holistic alternatives and combined them with traditional treatments and was able to beat the disease. She is an acclaimed author, LA-based nutritionist and our go-to when it comes to learning all about how to properly detox. We asked Elissa to give us the 411 on all of her Detox-related tips in an interview you don’t want to miss.
What is your definition of Detox?
To really detox you need to focus on lowering viral, bacterial, fungal loads in the body on a daily basis. You can cleanse your tissue and organs using whole foods, sleep, and herbs. Sleeping is hugely detoxifying to all of the organs, sleeping 8-9 hours and going to bed as close to 10pm as possible is crucial, this is the time your body can focus on detoxification. Juicing daily (all greens + lemon and ginger) to detox organs is another crucial component, the antioxidant boost is especially cleansing for your skin and other organs.
How do you Detox (tips / rituals)?
Having a green juice daily is a non-negotiable for me (example: cucumber, celery, parsley, lemon, ginger, romaine or other greens), I eat a plant-based diet and eat as many leafy greens and vegetables as I can, I have also been making a smoothie mid morning for even more nutrients. I use a superfood greens protein powder from PlantFusion and add wild blueberries, frozen cauliflower and spinach, and unsweetened nut milk. I also like to infrared sauna sessions for deep detoxifying. I eat lots of soup (from my SOUP Cleanse), soups are an easy way to add in a lot of nutrients and give your digestive system a break. I also take different herbals for lowering my viral, bacterial, and fungal loads and add barley grass juice powder or spirulina in addition to superfood greens. To detox my mind, I meditate – I’m currently doing the Unplug Meditation 30-day challenge which has been great for me, and I prioritize my sleep!
What does your typical Beauty Routine look like?
I’m religious about cleaning my face before bed, I never sleep in my makeup, I also prioritize sleep and manage my stress (because I feel like in addition to diet those two factors do the most damage our skin), I moisturize in the evening and in the morning. I get a facial every season from Skin Worship, which always leaves me feeling amazing (I think I need to get those more often!). Other than that, my routine is basic, I prefer products with natural ingredients and simplify as much as I can.
What was the last book you read?
Ketotarian by Dr. Will Cole
Perfect day…is?
I’d wake up to the sound of the ocean crashing outside my window, spend time on the beach with my family, soaking up the sun, zoning out and reading a book. There would definitely be an afternoon nap. In the evening, I would host a dinner party with friends and spend the night with lots of good conversation, laughter, and maybe a little dancing.
When you need to destress what is your go to?
Definitely using my Unplug meditation app for a 5-20 minute meditation (depending on the day!), booking reflexology massage, and going to a hot yoga class.
What is your favorite room in your home?
It’s not a room, but I consider it my outdoor living “room”. I love spending time in my outdoor living space, lounging or reading by the pool with water trickling in the background. I even find myself working out there, it’s much better than being inside!
Best advice anyone has given you is…?
To never give up
First thing you do when you wake up, is?
Drink 16 ounces of my Hallstein water (I go to bed with this on my bedside so it’s right there when I wake up)
Last thing you do before you go to sleep, is?
I’ve been doing this practice of writing down everything that has been on my mind to release the craziness of the day. I write and write and write until nothing is on my mind and that’s when I sleep like a baby!
Any tips/advice for people looking to improve their daily eating habits?
Focus on what you can add. I have my clients start by adding in as many servings as veggies in their day as possible, just by having one green juice per day, they are adding in 3-4 servings of veggies! Cut animal protein intake down to a few times per week and replace with vegan protein options like tempeh, beans and legumes, seeds and nuts. Don’t be afraid of healthy fats – avocado, coconut, olive oil, nuts are all great sources of fat that keep you feeling energized and satiated (meaning less cravings). Sleep also plays a role in your daily eating habits – a good night’s sleep can help keep you committed to eating well.
Read more about Elissa’s detox tips here