When Earth Day was started in 1970, Earth was in a lot worse shape than it is now. There were not pollution laws or recycling rules. You do not have to change your life to do your part today and everyday. Here are a few easy everyday things to try.
- Plant a tree
or a neighborhood garden. If you live in a house and have a yard, plant a little tree. Trees clean the air and this is great group project with friends or kids. If you live in a city, there are numerous neighborhood gardens you can participate with or start your own. Even a window sill garden helps!
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The three R’s. Reduce your intake of waste by incorporating material based towels as opposed to paper towels. You can also reduce air pollution by riding a bike or walking instead of driving. Carpooling also helps reduce pollution. Reusing and recycling go hand in hand. The next time you buy a plastic container, keep it, wash it and reuse it! This will take the place of tupperware. Invest in a reusable coffee cup. If you do use materials that can pollute, recycle them! Most cities recycle and bins should not be difficult to find. Do yourself a favor and google images of landfills, you will never not recycle again……
- Cleaning up and taking care of an outdoor space helps the environment too. Whether it is a turtle egg rescue or just a garbage pickup on the beach or in a park, this helps keep the Earth clean. Activities like this are fun for kids and create a sense of community!
- Switch to Earth friendly house cleaners. There are so many on the market now. They smell delicious and they won;t make you, your kids or your pets sick. Look at products made by Green Works and Seventh Generation. You can also make your own products with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda.
It is so easy to keep our planet clean. Think before you throw something away. The Earth will not last forever at the rate we are mistreating it. Recycle, reuse and hug a tree! Happy Earth Day!!