Tag Archive for: mother

This post was contributed by our Blogger Ambassador Melanie of 39Nineteen.com.


Throughout my life, my mom (Chris, 39… ish), has served as my primary role model, source for humor, shoulder to cry on, and closet to steal from. Trust me, I know how blessed I am to have a mom who not only dresses immaculately (and has the power to literally make wearing trash-bag chic), but is someone in my life that I can trust with anything, receive brilliant advice from, and never ever be bored with.


Our Gilmore Girls dynamic is a rare beauty, and is one that is generally not found in real life. We always get along, never bicker, and the only few times we have ever disagreed was fashion related (I was forced to have a humbling moment after she bought a blue leather jacket that I off the bat judged—of course I ended up in love with it, and have borrowed from her for months on end). There is truly nothing that I would ever give up for our relationship, not even ‘7 minutes in heaven’ with Anthony Kiedis, which I’m sure will impress her when she reads this. She is one of the only people on this planet that I could be stuck on an island with without sacrificing myself. And I think she’s one of the only people who could be stuck with me without sacrificing herself … I can be a bit to handle.


Of course doing extravagant things and attending shi-shi events together is always a treat, but my most prized memories with my mom are when we look like Gollum from Lord of The Rings drinking bebes (our word for coffee) in the morning, our long talks in the car (full disclosure), and reliving the moment at the 7×7 Magazine party when the crotch seam of her pants split. My mom is someone who I never get sick of, and never dread getting a call or text from.

Our relationship is honest, full of heart, and abnormal, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.