If you suffer from chronic pain or health issues, you’ve probably considered (or been told to consider) acupuncture or even something more basic as in Chinese Medicine. Eastern alternative medicine is a healing medicine, merged together with the wisdom of the east and the knowledge of the west, offered for those seeking out wellness, healing and longevity. *Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. In a session, the “needle” is used to stimulate specific, powerful sites (acupoints) along meridian lines, which is though to promote healing throughout the body’s various systems and realign “balance” within the body. Acupuncture has been successfully used to treat pain, PTSD, arthritis, chronic stress, addiction, insomnia, digestive disorders and much more.
VIE HEALING was created by Mona Dan: Acupuncturist, herbalist, tea lover, traveler, mama, holistic lifestyle leader, and passionate health educator. VIE HEALING represents a holistic lifestyle that goes far beyond health fads, juicing and quick fixes.
We had the opportunity to sit down with Mona to talk about balance and how she achieves it daily.
Mona Andoot Dan
What is your definition of Balance?
Balance for me is feeling at peace with whats expected of me and what i’m doing. Living in the moment, feeling present but excited about the future!
First thing you do when you wake up, is?
Snuggling and bonding for 15 minutes with my son Zac, without thinking about what the say ahead has in store or will require of me.
Last thing you do before you go to sleep, is?
Shower or bath. Every. Single. Night.
How do you balance life + keep wellness top-of-mind?
Through incorporating my rituals: my supplements keep my nervous system chill, and i always slow down for tea in the morning and evening and evening and baths. These self-care habits keep me in check throughout the day.
What are your tips/advice for people to create balance in their life?
Finding a few activities that can take 1-20 min a day that reminds them of the little things in life they enjoy!