Tag Archive for: hand sanitizer

As I was waiting to go into spin class this morning, I overheard two women talking about the cleanliness of gym towels. Where I spin, towels are provided and seem very clean, but my ears certainly perked up! One of the women said, “I have a canker sore in my mouth-do you think it could be from the towels?”. Her friend replied “I recently read something about these towels that made me very uncomfortable”. I will add that both women went ahead and used the towels in class. The towels are definitely washed and you can’t catch a canker sore. Canker sores are usually caused by a run down immune system or if you’re body is fighting something off. However, could she have caught this germ that is causing the canker sore at the gym? It is very possible and more than likely. But, the culprit is not the towel.

Germs live on surfaces as well as in the air. Here are a few easy rules to follow to keep them away!

  • Do not touch your face. Hands are dirty. They touch the door knob, the spin bike, the treadmill and the the lockers just to name a few. Hundreds of other people are touching these things too.
  • Use the hand sanitizer and wipes the gym provides-it is there for a reason.
  • Always wipe your bike handles, seat, treadmill and weights down before and after you use them
  • If you have a wound, cover it. Open cuts and scratches invite bacteria and viruses to jump on
  • Be aware of who is in your class or near you.  If they look sick or are sneezing, stay away form them
  • Do not walk barefoot. Athletes foot is rampant on locker room floors and showers. Throw a pair of flip flops in your gym bag.
  • Shower right after you’re done, do not wait to get home if you can help it. The quicker you shower the less time bacteria has to set in on you. If you use the hot tub or steam room at your gym, make sure you shower before going in them to get rid of bacteria.

Hopefully I haven’t freaked you out of going to the gym or spin class.  It is still healthier to goto the gym and be exposed to germs than not to exercise at all! We just want to give you the tools to stay healthy!

Are you finding  that you are getting sick more than usual? A sniffle, a cough and overall malaise?  Your hand sanitizer may be to blame.

We all keep our trusty, germ fighting friend ‘the hand sanitizer’ in our purses, gym bags and cars, but to what cost? Instead of keeping us healthy, could it be making us sicker?

Of course if you’re in a career that requires you to physically touch a lot of people (like when we host a GOLDAFADEN MD facial event) than it makes sense to sanitizer after each encounter, but for those who use it incessantly for fear of germs, it can be doing more harm than good.  Our immune system is designed to catch germs and then build antibodies in order to fight them off in the future. This is how our body protects itself from getting sick every time  a germ invades our system. Not only that but studies have shown that overuse of anti-bacterial products used in the household can cause bacteria to become resistant! We don’t want to create a super bug! MRSA is bad enough!

So next time you reach for a household anti-bacterial cleaning product or your trusty bottle of hand sanitizer, try soap and water instead. You might just keep yourself from getting sick!