Tag Archive for: Cleanse

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Hey guys! I’m Jennifer Taylor, a Holistic Health Coach, Private Chef & Yoga Teacher. I love each individual role but what really excites me is the intersection of the three. I work with my coaching clients on strengthening the connection between the feeling body and the thinking mind. This is how they start to really understand and be able to respond to the unique messages they get from their bodies. Creating clean eating programs gives me an opportunity to share my recipes and turn people on to how delicious and simple clean eating can be. The most rewarding thing is how often I hear that the cleanse recipes have become staples in people’s repertoires, even after the 7 days are over.

I am a proponent of what I call, Rational Cleansing. This is a gentle way of cleansing the body that emphasizes whole, seasonal foods while removing the major allergens and irritants from the diet for a period of time. There is no deprivation here. This is about nourishment, not punishment. Think of it as changing the oil in your car—by lightening the load on your organ systems and giving them good, clean fuel, you’re letting them do their jobs at maximum capacity. We already have this incredible detoxification system in place—periodic gentle cleansing just harnesses the power of our own bodies. How cool is that?!? Check it out below and for $5 off, type GOLDGLOW & hit ‘update’ in your cart.


Here is a bonus recipe to get you excited about what you could be a part of:

BONUS RECIPE: As we creep into the summer months I can’t get enough watermelon. It tastes sweet, but it’s actually 90% water making it a delicious, low-sugar way to get hydrated. This soup makes a great meal–breakfast, lunch or dinner. I especially love it as a light way to fuel before or after a really sweaty workout.

Watermelon Gazpacho

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makes 1 serving

2 cups cubed watermelon

1 medium tomato cored & roughly chopped (about 1 cup)

2 t rice vinegar

1 T olive oil plus more for garnish

juice of 1/2 a lime

1/2 t sea salt

1 T cilantro, chopped, plus more for garnish

1 T raw pumpkin seeds plus more for garnish

optional 1/2 jalapeno pepper, chopped

-Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and process until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning as desired. This might take some tweaking—you want it to be salty, tangy and slightly sweet. Add a little more lime, a little more salt, a little more vinegar, etal, as needed. Chill for at least an hour and top with flaky sea salt, chopped cilantro & pumpkin seeds to serve.

With cosmetic in-office procedures growing at extensive rates, we sat down with Dr. Goldfaden to ask him a few questions on aging in general and the key roles that topical and surgical treatments play in the overall aging process.

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Why is it so important to take proper care of your skin?

“First and foremost for health purposes. Skin cancer can be fatal if not detected early and treated. In today’s world with all we know about healthy lifestyle, exercise and proper skincare, it is possible to look youthful and healthy as we age. While it is important to take care of the skin from the outside in, it is equally important to take care of it from the inside out. Healthy skin begins inside. A lifestyle that consists of fresh vegetable, fruits, lean protein and essential fats will only help skin to look healthier.” Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

Is there ever a circumstance where topical skincare products takes less priority than surgical/non-surgical treatments?

“In cosmetic cases this is a personal preference. For example severe sun damage may be helped quicker with a series of lasers than just using skincare and the same goes for combating fine lines and wrinkles (topical fillers such as Hyaluronic Acid vs. Injections). Every surgical or non surgical treatment comes with consequences and risks which need to also be taken into account. However, yes there are some skin issues that need more treatment than solely skincare products.” Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

If a woman wants to look her best forever what are your three tips for doing so?

“Exfoliate often, wear SPF everyday and hydrate the skin. From our core collection the use of Doctors Scrub a few times a week will suffice for exfoliation purposes. Try Sun Visor SPF30 for daily protection and Vital Boost for overall even skin tone and hydration.” Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

How much is biological and how much is care when it comes to ageing?

“Everyone is going to age-we cannot stop that. However with the right type of skincare treatments and products the appearance of the signs of aging will be diminished. For example collagen and elastin start to breakdown as we age but using products that encourage collagen production, we can attain the effects and look more youthful.”Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

Do you think skincare, non-invasive beauty treatments and surgery can work in tandem beautifully?

“Absolutely. This is a personal choice for the patient but yes it can. There is a fine line in not overdoing it but that can be accomplished with open communication with your doctor and a plan.” Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

If there was one skin-saving rule we should follow what would you recommend?

“Wear sunscreen.” Dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldfaden

We know how crazy the mornings can be, but in order for all of us to stay and look healthy, these are three things that we NEVER forget to do before walking out of the house. By taking 10 minutes in the morning, you can ensure that you always start your morning off right.

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#1: 25 second skincare prep 

Practicing a simple skincare morning regimen helps wake your skin up and prime it for makeup, ensuring that your features radiate and your makeup lasts throughout the day.

Cleanse: Dissolve nightly impurities and remove your nightly treatment in one step. Skin is left clean, clear, smooth, and energized.

Treat: Help protect your skin from daily free radical damaged caused by UVA/UVB rays and environmental damage by applying a potent anti-oxidant serum. Our top picks for anti-oxidants include, Organic Red Tea (50X more potent of an anti-oxidant that green tea), Pomegranate and Cherry extracts.

Moisturize: This is two-fold as we need to also de-puff our eyes (look for eye-products that contain Vitamin K + Arnica which help to reduce puffiness and dark circles) and prep our overall complexion for makeup.

#2: Don’t skimp on breakfast

According to Livestrong: While a recent human clinical trial reported that eating breakfast isn’t necessary for weight loss, there are plenty of other studies that suggest otherwise. In the largest sample of successful dieters, 78 percent reported eating breakfast every day. Still, nearly a quarter of U.S. adults skip their first meal on any given day — and that increases your risk for other chronic conditions. What’s more, a Harvard study reported that men who skipped breakfast were 27 percent more likely to develop heart disease and that female breakfast skippers had a 28 percent higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Eating breakfast may also give you more energy: One study found that breakfast eaters burned 400 more calories during a day through increased daily activity.

Our favorites include: Steel Cut Oatmeal with raisins and fresh berries and egg whites mixed with spinach and a side of sliced avocado.

#3: AM Detox 

Add a slice of lemon to a warm cup of water in the morning. By adding lemon to your water, it has been shown to promote fresher breath, realigns your bodies pH balance and improves digestive function to name a few. And don’t forget to get your daily dose of recommended water intake of 8 full glasses daily.