Peel and Eat Fresh Salad

Vitamin C is not only important externally for bright and fresh looking skin but also internally for optimum health. Grapefruit/Lemon/Orange are rich in detoxifying enzymes and high in Vitamin C, which aids in skin Brightening and helps cleanse, purify and detoxify the skin (aka, ultimate radiance booster). Dr. G’s fresh citrus salad can be eaten any time of the day and is a perfect healthy dessert. This salad is said to have inspired our multi-fruit enzymatic peel, Fresh A Peel.

What you need:

In a small bowl mix  lemon, pine nuts, honey and chopped mint leaves. Sliced kiwis in thin discs and section grapefruit and oranges. Pour mixture over the fruit, mix and serve at room temperature.

2 oranges(high in Vitamin C)

1 grapefruit (highest anti-oxidant juice + High in Vitamin C)

2 Kiwis (high in vitamin C, E and K)

1/2 lemon juice (fresh)

¼ cup of pine nuts (anti-oxidant rich)

1 teaspoon of honey (super food)

2 mint leaves-chopped (anti-cancer food and aids in digestion)

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