
Meet Jack Scott: Co-Founder of Dash Water

“Alex my business partner and I started Dash three years ago now, firstly to give a fresh perspective on soft drinks industry by making a great tasting drink without any sugar, sweetener or calories. And secondly, both us are from farming backgrounds and we wanted to do our bit to fight against food waste, so we use wonky fruit that would otherwise go to waste to infuse our waters.” – Jack Scott, Co-Founder of Dash Water.

Dash is currently stocked in around 6,000 stores mainly in Europe however has just launched in the US. You can buy directly from their website and use code ‘DAILYSCRUB’ for 20% off your order. Thanks, Dash!

How did the idea for Dash Water come about?

We both worked at a larger soft drinks company in the UK, and it was there we saw there was a massive gap in the market for a great tasting drink without any of the Sugar or Sweetener. We then went about infusing fruit in water and carbonating it with a soda stream in our kitchen and taste it out with people in London parks. When we went to source our fruit we realized there was a lot of fruit going to waste due to the way it looked, so all our drinks are made from fruit that would otherwise go to waste. 

What do you think about, creatively, when you’re creating a new flavor?

We now have x5 flavors, every time we want to make the best seller. We do a lot of research into flavors through various data channels. Then we get tasting, it normally around x6 others including people who have lots of experience in making drinks and have very good taste/pallets. Once we honed in on a flavor we will then make a larger batch to try on a bigger audience and tweak until we are happy. 
Where do you find inspiration?
I find my inspiration from other brands and our customers. Ultimately we need to create something that people like, its very important to never forget that.

How do you practice sustainability?

We’re very proud to be B-corp certified, where we balance purpose and profit. One way in which we do this at Dash is we go the extra mile to use fruit that would otherwise go to waste. See a short video here which talks more about how we source our blackcurrants. 

What cities are on your travel bucket list?

I would love to spend more time in Brazil. I’ve been to Rio, but would like to venture north to Salvador it looks like a beautiful city with fantastic beaches and Caribbean waters. 

How do you de-stress?

I am very lucky I live next to Hyde Park in London, so to de-stress I like to go for a jog/stroll and listen to my favorite podcast! Hyde Park is a must-visit to anyone visiting London, its stunning in the summer and has of hidden area’s makes you feel like you have escaped London for a short while. 

Favorite mood-boosting meal?

We have a Vietnamese noodle place opposite our office in Soho that is so comforting! I get the Mytho noodles, broth and noodles always very mood-boosting! The restaurant is called Keu if anyone is in Soho looking for a quick lunch.

What is your daily mantra?

I try and be very mindful of how I treat people, important to treat everyone with the same amount of respect. However this can be very challenging as we still have our phone numbers on the site, so I’m not very patient with people selling me the next trade show, I’m working on though! 

Any advice for people wanting to make the switch towards a more mindful existence but are not sure where to start?

Being around people that make you feel good would be my main piece of advice! Positive energy. When I’m commuting into work, I try and take 10 mins to concentrate on things around me — trees, sky, birds, I suppose a sort of meditation. 

The best piece of advice you’ve received?

I got told by a previous boss when leaving to start Dash to pack your small tent with the best quality people and magic will happen. It’s so important to work with the best possible people, it lifts the energy when your around talented people who care about what they do. We have a fantastic team of people that really care and are determined to inspire millions of dash drinkers.
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