
Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

In our modern, plugged in, checked out giant world we are constantly striving to find happiness. The brain controls happiness with its intricate symphony of hormone balance. After reading a study, which showed children laughed an average of 300 times per day, while adults averaged around 20 times per day, we dove deeper to find out if laughter really is the best medicine.

What happens when we laugh?

You may notice that after you spend time with a child or an animal or you have a good belly ,tear inducing laugh with your bestie you feel happier and less stressed. This is not a coincidence, this is your brain on dopamine. Dopamine is the ‘feel good’ and ‘calming’ hormone in the brain. Laughing naturally produces dopamine! Laughing also turns off the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Too much Cortisol results in high blood pressure, excess belly fat, insulin sensitivity and lowered immunity).


  • Relaxes muscles in the body
  • Releases endorphins
  • Decreases stress
  • Increases blood flow
  • Can help with pain reduction.


Find ways to increase laughter by spending time with friends or doing a favorite hobby. Get outside and into nature. Even watching a funny movie can help. Just laugh-It is the BEST medicine.


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