How to increase Vitamin C internally

“Vitamin C is arguably the most important vitamin due to all its capabilities internally and externally.”

Dr. Goldfaden

Photo via @designlovefest

We know what vitamin C does for your skin, but it is also crucial for your body and that coveted glow! Vitamin C is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, supports the immune system and helps make collagen in the body! Vitamin C has also been shown to lower LDL (the bad cholesterol), ward off heart disease and absorb iron in the body. But here comes the tricky part…Humans lack the ability to produce their own vitamin C. Because vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, a large portion of the vitamin C we ingest gets excreted before our body can actually use it.

How much we need

Men need around 90 mg per day while women need 75mg. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding you need anywhere from 85-120mg a day!

How to get it

Oral supplementation:

65-90mg per day should do the trick. Don’t take too much as it can interfere with the absorption of other crucial vitamins and upset the digestive system.

Eating foods rich in Vitamin C:

Red peppers, bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, oranges, kale and fermented foods as mentioned in (kimchi or sauerkraut) all rank super high in vitamin C. A diet high in these fruits and vegetables will ensure glowing skin.



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