Spring is in the air and with April in full force we look forward to Earth day and all things green! The color green represents abundance, growth, balance and prosperity. The color green is also said to create equilibrium between the head and the heart. When we think of green we think natural, alive and fresh!

Fitness Magazine recently reported on a study done with cyclists. The cyclists were shown two videos. One was of natural/green imagery and the other was the same video but shown thru a red or gray filter. All the cyclists said they felt the workout was easier when they were viewing the green video! . Experts say that viewing the color green can enhance your mood and emotions. Look around and see the green trend, it is everywhere! From the green juice movement to succulents to all the new green hues of nail polish to Lululemon’s new spring colors! Buy yourself a new green running bra or adorable head band and get happy! Send us your pictures of anything green you wear to pump you up!


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