
Everyday Upgrades: Easy Everyday Spirit Lifters

In these challenging times, we could all use a little pick-me-up. Today, we bring you four easy ways to bring your spirit up and make your day better.

Set The Mood: Upbeat Playlist

These tunes are keeping our spirits up during lockdown and some of them have us dancing around our kitchen!




Home Workouts: 

Elite trainers all over the world are motivating us to stay fit with great at-home workouts. Here are some of our favorites!


  • It starts with the breath. ‘Inhale for four, exhale for four and don’t worry if you have some thoughts – just keep coming back to the breath.’ Lauren Wolk-Goldfaden
  • Take time before bed to unwind, pamper and recharge. Switch off your phone, slip on a pair of luxurious silk pajamas, light a relaxing candle and dive into that book you’ve been meaning to read for months.
  • Epsom Salt Baths – take 15 min for yourself and soak into a hot epsom salt bath to relax your muscles and calm your nerves.
  • Drink hot water with Lemon: It helps detoxify your body and it’s soothing at the same time.

At-Home Facial: 

This is the time to spend on YOU! Learn how to enhance and maximize your at-home regimen and view our virtual workshop, At-Home Beauty with GOLDFADEN MD!

You can watch the video, listen to the audio, and check out the complete product list in Holisticism’s Liminal Library.

Since we are not going to get our regular facials, our Doctor’s Scrub + Doctor’s Scrub Advanced are our go-to right now to keep our complexions glowing.

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