Changing The Way People Eat: An intimate interview with The Culinistas Founders

International Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, age, economic or political. It’s a celebration where we unite as a global community to celebrate women, their endless drive, passion, impact and tireless effort in making a difference.

In recognition of International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating our accomplishments as women, and the progress we make each day towards an equal future by bringing together three inspiring duo founders making an impact in their field and communities. Dive in deeper and follow along with us this month as we showcase a handful of incredibly notable and talented women because as women we are stronger together.

Meet Jill Donenfeld and Tiana Tenet, the Co-founders of The Culinistas, an in-home personal chef services that include menu planning & shopping, cooking & clean up.

How did the two of you meet?

TT: Jill was running a boutique company that provided in home chef services.
JD: When I met Tiana, she saw how to leverage those services into a scalable business and we partnered almost immediately.

TT: We met through a friend of mine who was about to hire one of the chefs with whom Jill worked.

What is The Culinistas and what is your mission?
The Culinistas is an in home chef services platform with a mission to bring mealtime back to the table.
What is one standout quality you each see in each other?
JD: Tiana is laser-focused on progress and does not get caught up on perfection.
TT: Jill is a community builder. She rallies the team.
What are the best decisions that you have made in your careers thus far?
JD: Partnering with Tiana, hands down. Not only do we have the ability to grow this company together, but the partnership is also an opportunity to grow a very special, unique relationship.
TT: Partnering with Jill, hands up!
What are the worst?
JD: Anytime I’ve operated from a place of fear, the effects have a long tail that is hard to shake.
TT: Anytime I ignore my gut, same thing.
In what areas do you want to see women progress in 2020?
TT: I’d like to see women putting their money where their mouth is. We need more female investors & there is power in the purse.
JD: This goes for everyone: I would like everyone to harness the capacity of the human brain more. Our brains have the ability to teach ourselves how to do things, to figure things out. We aren’t robots. It takes discipline and confidence to employ your brain, and everyone should do it more.
What’s your advice to women trying to make an impact in their career?
TT: Take risks.
JD: Discipline yourself to learn more and learn deeper. It will help define what you want. And then you will figure out how to get it.
What will be the biggest challenge for the generation of women behind you?
JD: To stay focused on learning rather than mimicking.
TT: Staying present. In a world of so much distraction, we all need to get focused.
Which women inspire you the most and why?
JD: Eileen Fisher — she is a trailblazer in sustainability.
TT: Serena — she never settles. Everything is excellent.
What is your self-care routine?
TT: Wake up, work out, bath, smoothie.
JD: Body oil, fresh air, jazz on Monday nights
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