Pollen, trees, weeds, grass and mold, OH MY! These are no friends of mine and as a runner they can be a real problem. Last year during the spring I had one of the worst allergy attacks of my life after a run in Central Park. The good news is that there are precautions and steps you can take to prevent or lessen an allergy attack when working out outside.

  • Plan your run/workout when pollen counts are lowest. The worst time to run is between 5am-10am when pollen counts are generally at their highest. Start watching the weather and track the pollen, mold and grass count in your area. Keep a chart of the numbers and when you feel good or bad. This way you will know what bothers you.
  • Try taking a Zyrtec before a long run. Zyrtec does not have any pesky side effects, like drowsiness or dryness.
  • Investing in a pair of wrap around sunglasses may be a good idea too. Glasses will keep your eyes protected.
  • Do not run on days when you feel tired. Your immune system is most likely down and you are more susceptible to allergies.
  • Do not run on windy days. The windier the air the more mold, pollen and dust is blowing around. If you must run on a windy day, definitely wear glasses and possibly a mask or a bandana around your nose and mouth.
  • After you run outside shower immediately when you get home. Wash your hair and make sure to wash your eyes and nose too. Blowing your nose helps clean out your nose.

Let us know what your tips are for running and exercising outside during allergy season. Happy trails!

Spring is in the air and with April in full force we look forward to Earth day and all things green! The color green represents abundance, growth, balance and prosperity. The color green is also said to create equilibrium between the head and the heart. When we think of green we think natural, alive and fresh!

Fitness Magazine recently reported on a study done with cyclists. The cyclists were shown two videos. One was of natural/green imagery and the other was the same video but shown thru a red or gray filter. All the cyclists said they felt the workout was easier when they were viewing the green video! . Experts say that viewing the color green can enhance your mood and emotions. Look around and see the green trend, it is everywhere! From the green juice movement to succulents to all the new green hues of nail polish to Lululemon’s new spring colors! Buy yourself a new green running bra or adorable head band and get happy! Send us your pictures of anything green you wear to pump you up!


This is big news from the medical world! Not only is Aspirin good for your heart but it also helps to prevent skin cancer in some women. According to studies involving women ages 50-79, those that took aspirin twice a week had a 21% lower chance of developing Melanoma. Women studied for over 5 years that were taking Aspirin had a 30% lower chance!

Aspirin has been a medical favorite for years when it comes to helping prevent heart attacks, but now it seems that this wonder drug is preventing skin cancer as well.  In fact according to a study done in 2012, Aspirin and Ibuprofen help in the prevention of three types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. This is thought to be due to aspirin and ibuprofens anti-inflammatory properties.

As with any medication, you should always consult with your physician to make sure it is a safe option. Aspirin and Ibuprofen can be problematic to the stomach and can cause bleeding for some. Overall, this is really exciting news!