No one loves that time of the month or the realization that menopause is knocking on the door, but some of us have more difficulty than others. If you suffer from extreme PMS or symptoms of menopause this is for you. Before you reach for your Midol or hormone replacements, read about these natural solutions and remedies.

PMS, perimenopause and menopause are all caused by a shift in hormones. Hormones really do rule your body, and are easier to

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control that once thought. A few easy steps that can help in the fight against changing hormones are eating a low starch diet, getting plenty of sleep, exercising regularly, and taking supplements. Below are some amazing alternative supplements to add into your diet depending on where you are in the life cycle.

If you’re suffering from PMS, try Chastberry, also referred to as Vitex. According to studies, this herb reduced PMS cravings, depression, bloating and anxiety in 93% of women. Other remedies to try are fish oils, primrose oil, Vitamin B to reduce water retention and Black Cohosh.

If you’re entering into Perimenopause, which typically starts around 10-12 years before Menopause, you can try a plant grown in Thailand (which has the lowest breast cancer rate in the world) called Pueraria Mirifica or PM. PM helps to balance estrogen levels by working on the receptors. Numerous studies have shown PM to be responsible for relieving hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. Black Cohosh is also very helpful in relieving hot flashes. Black Cohosh is a wonderful alternative to traditional estrogen, because it does not raise estrogen levels in the breast or uterus(therefore protecting them against possible cancer risk), only in the brain and vagina.

Once Menopause has set in and on the other side of it, PM can be very beneficial. PM helps with bone strength, raises good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers the bad (LDL). PM is also said to prevent saggy breasts. Who doesn’t want that?!?

All of these supplements can be found at your local health food grocery or pharmacy. Of course it is so important to get enough sleep, exercise and eat a healthy diet. Stay healthy!

February is not only Valentine’s month but also Heart awareness month. Heart disease is the number one killer of women! That is incredible and totally avoidable. Whether you’re a man or a woman there are few easy rules to follow to keep your heart healthy. This month save a heart of a friend or family member or your own by following these heart healthy tips. 

It may seem like a no-brainer but, do NOT smoke! Smoking increases your chances of heart disease and stroke! Women smokers have a 25% higher risk of heart disease than men. Besides it smells, makes your teeth yellow and looks stupid.

Exercise regularly. If you’re not an athlete, it is okay, just get outside and walk. Starting slow and building up to healthy exercise regimen is fine. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator at your office, or walking around the block at lunchtime. Join a running club or exercise group, you will be challenged with others that are at your level.

Eating a heart healthy diet is crucial.  This means cut out the fried foods and saturated fats. Saturated fats can include red meat and high fat dairy products. Trans fats are also a no no. Trans fats can include deep-fried foods, fast foods, processed bakery products, packaged snack foods and margarines. Try eating salmon and oatmeal instead. Try and also keep your sodium levels down. This goes hand and hand with the next important tip. Know your numbers. This means, know your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  You should know your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.  By finding out your blood sugar levels you can keep yourself from becoming diabetic. Diabetes can lead to heart disease too.

Maintaining a healthy weight is also crucial to heart healthy living. More than 1/3 of all Americans are obese. That is startling. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, a healthy weight should be achievable. See you doctor or health care professional if your having trouble losing weight.

Having love in your heart and spreading it around is important too.  Happy heart and valentines month!


What you wear could be affecting your mood. I know it is the middle of winter and black or grey are just the easiest color to throw on, but you may be doing more harm than good to yourself and to others around you. Ever wonder why the color red is considered so sexy or romantic? W
hen we look at the color red our blood pressure actually rises. This may be why men think red nails or a red dress is so sexy. The opposite is true of the color blue. Blue causes blood pressure to lower and thus has a calming sensation on our brain and mood.

Next time you’e in a winter slump try a hot red nail polish or wear a bright pink sweater. If you tend to run a little hot naturally, try painting one wall in your bedroom a light blue and dim your lights to relax. Winter can get us down but just a pop of color can get us through until Spring!