We all know by now that wearing a mask helps stop the spread of the coronavirus, but while ensuring we stay healthy on the inside, the required face coverings can do a number on our skin. This added layer along with the daily stresses we face in life –even more so during this global pandemic – all factor into new breakouts and skin irritation. “We are all under a tremendous amount of stress,” Dr. Goldfaden says. “When stress levels rise, the body produces more stress hormones and these hormones cause over oil production and thus a high chance of a breakout.”

A change in our daily diet or increased alcohol consumption (no judgment!) can also play roles in those new blemishes appearing. “We are eating different types of foods than we may be used to; we are perhaps drinking more alcohol, exercising less, sleeping less –all of these factors can affect the skin,” he notes. “Summertime heat, sunscreen and masks all breed bacteria, which will cause breakouts.”

The stresses in our life should be dealt with accordingly, and “finding ways to alleviate stress is very important,” but skincare should not be contributing to your woes. Below, Dr. Goldfaden shares some tips and tricks worth following to keep your complexion clear and glowing under that mask.   

With the summer heat and COVID still very much present, what are the best practices to prevent breakouts while wearing a mask? 

“Bacteria and pollution can both cause acne. A daily skincare regimen is imperative for clean, clear skin. Always wash your face when you take your mask off as sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria and breakouts. Exfoliation is imperative to ward off acne. Exercising and sweating can help as it gets circulation and blood flow going. Do not touch your face or pick. These are two of the worst things you can do for the health of your skin. Our hands are loaded with bacteria and germs which then transfer to the skin when face touching occurs. Bacteria causes breakouts and sometimes rashes. Bacteria, viruses and germs also live under nailbeds, so make sure you keep your nails clean. Touching the face, nose, eyes and mouth is extremely dangerous right now due to the spread of Covid-19. If you must touch your face, wash your hands with hot water and soap before or just wait for the shower.”

How often should someone wash their face?

“At least twice a day. Since we are wearing masks, it’s a good idea to up that number.”

Which cleanser do you recommend during this time?

“Our Pure Start Cleanser”


You mention exfoliating above. How necessary is it?

“It’s the most crucial part of a healthy skincare regimen. Exfoliation unplugs clogged pores and allows for the release of natural skin oils. Regular exfoliation also helps to maintain open pores, decrease pore size, minimize many types of superficial scarring and ward off bacteria which causes breakouts and rashes.”

Before putting on a mask, should people with oily/acne-prone skin apply anything as a protective layer?

“The skin should be clean with a daily anti-oxidant serum on. If you’re acne-prone to begin with, our Detox Hydrating Gel may be a good barrier to put on any trouble areas before applying your mask. You could also use our Brightening Elixir.”

What do you recommend if you have dry skin?

“Our MIST RX will be soothing and is oil free, so no breakouts. It’s also good for environmentally-stressed skin.”

What is the best mask material for these varied skin types?

“No mask is going to be perfect. A mask with a disposable or washable filter is the safest.  More important than the actual material is that you are washing your mask. The mask can hold bacteria, germs, dust, virus and environmental pollutants.”



Author Bio:

Alisandra Puliti is an NYC-based entertainment journalist with 15 years of experience. The Penn State University graduate has worked in the celebrity weekly world and most recently launched and grew the US entities for HELLO! + HOLA! Media. Throughout her tenure, she has attended red carpet events such as the Golden Globes, covered the backstage action at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and interviewed Hollywood’s A-list and royalty. (Justin Timberlake and Jennifer Lopez being among her favorites!) She has also learned the tips and tricks of the stars’ skincare regimens along the way. As for herself, she swears by Goldfaden’s Doctor’s Scrub and Pure Start cleanser. Follow her travels and outings on Instagram and Twitter @apuliti.

We’ve heard it time and time again that sleep is so important for our wellbeing. On average, a person between the ages of 26-64 needs seven to nine hours every night. While that is easier said than done for most people, anxiety and stress should not be factors preventing you from getting that much needed and deserved shut eye. Anxiety disorders will affect an estimated 31 percent of adults in their lifetime, so it is not unlikely that you find yourself tossing and turning and not getting the adequate amount of rest needed because you can’t quiet your mind and the thoughts keep racing.

Of course, working out and meditating can help keep your worries at bay, but the foods we eat can also have a significant impact on our mental health. By incorporating the following into your diet, it can largely and positively change your mood for the better as well as improve brain function and gut health. Keep reading to learn exactly how these accessible foods at your grocery store can be beneficial in helping you calm your nerves and relax.

Dark chocolate

Though it may be more bitter than sweet, dark chocolate has the capability of reducing depressive symptoms in those who eat it daily. It is also able to increase serotonin and tryptophan levels in our bodies, which in turn leads to improved mental health.

Fermented food

New studies have shown that our mental health and anxiety symptoms can be correlated with our gut health, so eating foods with probiotics (good bacteria) such as miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, kefit and kimchi can nurture the gut-brain connection and reduce anxiety levels.


A cherry on top of anything is always welcome, and with its rich amount of quercetin, that rings even truer. This antioxidant helps a person feel calm. Studies have noted in the past that eating five or more servings a day can be a mood booster.

Chamomile tea

Aside from the calming nature of sipping a hot cup of tea, chamomile has antibacterial, antioxidant and relaxant properties that assist the body in decreasing anxiety. The flavonoids found in chamomile can also help those with mood disorders.

Green tea

If Chamomile isn’t your preference, green tea also has numerous benefits. First, the L-theanine found in it is an amino acid that can improve your mood. The calming effect also can increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain which aids overall relaxation in the body. Research has shown that L-theanine reduces the heart rate when taken during an anxiety-ridden episode and can help lower cortisol levels caused by anxiety.

Omega-3 rich foods

Salmon, mackerel, sardines and shellfish are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is great for overall physical health and improving the brain’s cognitive function. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you also decrease mood disorders.


This versatile fruit is packed with nutrients including vitamin B6 and magnesium. Both help to produce serotonin in your brain, which in turn regulates anxiety and increases levels of happiness. They also have a substantial amount of Omega-3.


Almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts and so many more have healthy fats that are easily able to be digested. Eating a daily consumption also has benefits for overall brain growth and memory retention as well as the ability to reduce depressive thoughts.


Plain Greek yogurt has probiotics and can help with symptoms of stress and anxiety. The “healthy bacteria” assists the body in repairing damaged nerve tissue which is important to reduce those anxious feelings.


Add this spice to your cuisine to get the benefits of its active ingredient curcumin, which is key to reducing inflammation in the brain as well as oxidative stress. Curcumin is known to decrease anxiety while increasing blood antioxidant levels and preventing brain cell damage.

Whole Grains

Oats, barley and bran have prebiotics, which are necessary in the body so probiotics can thrive. Incorporating more whole grains in your diet can help serotonin receptors in your GI tract work better and also reduce risk of chronic disease.


This long-stemmed vegetable has a large amount of folate, which is important to have in the body to combat anxiety and depression. Asparagus is also loaded with potassium, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K and has chromium –the trace element needed for healthy skin, bone, muscle, hair and blood.


It doesn’t need to be Thanksgiving to enjoy a turkey dinner. We all know that after that holiday meal, most find themselves taking a snooze, and it’s not from overeating. Turkey contains tryptophan, an amino acid that increases serotonin levels that enhances sleep and helps with mood relaxation within the body.

Leafy Greens

How many times have you heard or said, ‘Eat your greens’? Kale, arugula, spinach and Swiss chard, to name a few, have been proven to reduce stress levels with their beta-carotene, vitamin C and magnesium. All of these elements give the body antioxidants to support the brain and assist in lowering anxiety levels.


Milk does a body good and a mind even better. Drinking a glass of milk at night doesn’t only help children, its minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium impact a person’s anxiety and stress level. Magnesium has a calming affect that can reduce insomnia.



Author Bio:

Alisandra Puliti is an NYC-based entertainment journalist with 15 years of experience. The Penn State University graduate has worked in the celebrity weekly world and most recently launched and grew the US entities for HELLO! + HOLA! Media. Throughout her tenure, she has attended red carpet events such as the Golden Globes, covered the backstage action at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show and interviewed Hollywood’s A-list and royalty. (Justin Timberlake and Jennifer Lopez being among her favorites!) She has also learned the tips and tricks of the stars’ skincare regimens along the way. As for herself, she swears by Goldfaden’s Doctor’s Scrub and Pure Start cleanser. Follow her travels and outings on Instagram and Twitter @apuliti.

Madeline Alcott is the founder of Petit Vour, a luxury vegan beauty box subscription and … It’s made with clean ingredients of course, and it never disappoints. A pioneer in clean beauty, Madeline expertly curates brands a products for Petit Vour and her community at large. We had the intimate pleasure of sitting down with Madeline to learn more about herself, her lifestyle and more.

What does clean beauty mean to you?

In a nutshell, it means safe and free of harmful ingredients. That leaves a lot up to interpretation, so it’s important that we are doing our utmost to carefully select the ingredients in our products. Transparency is essential in this process. At Petit Vour, our ingredient standard is very selective and we list our banned ingredients on our website for all to see.

How do you start your mornings?

I put on some cheery jazz and sip coffee on the balcony, catching up on the news, but also just relaxing before the day kicks into high gear.

What’s your go-to am beverage?

Pour over coffee, black.

What are your go-to daily beauty products and why?

I like to keep things simple and light, because I’m pretty active all day long. Moisturizer with SPF and eye cream are a must. For makeup, I typically just wear tinted lip balm and brow pomade.

How do you de-stress?

Daily hikes with my love and my dog-child, Maya

Favorite beauty trick?

Find reasons to be joyful every day. When you’re happy, your eyes and skin will look so bright and awake. Also, keep your eye cream in the fridge!

Favorite mood-boosting meal?

Vegan tacos and jalapeno margs on the balcony

What’s a dinner recipe you currently have on repeat?

Tacos, for sure! We roast sweet potatoes, stir fry peppers and onions, and pile on the pinto beans, homemade guacamole, vegan sour cream and hot sauce.

What is your daily mantra?

To be bold and be kind. It’s a reminder to speak my mind and live a life that’s authentic, while also being considerate of my impact on the world around me.

How do you practice sustainability?

So many ways! My partner and I share a Prius Prime, which fortunately means we almost never have to fill up the tank. We use all of our own bags when we shop. We even bring our own cloth produce bags and glass jars for shopping the bulk aisle at the grocery. We also have committed to only using zero waste home-cleaning products.

Any advice for people wanting to make the switch towards a more mindful existence (increased wellness) but who are not sure where to start?

I think a great way to start is with what you put on our plate. Try out wholesome, feel-good recipes (I love Oh She Glows and Minimalist Baker), savor every bite, and make little goals to inch your evolution along. Look around your home and identify where the waste is and pay attention to future purchases. I try to keep my purchases low, so that when I do make a purchase I am more inclined to spend a little more to support a company that has really sound ethics.